Lesson clusters
Note for Contributors: This page should explain what clusters are and what they can be used for.
What are clusters?
A cluster represents a set of questions from which one or more may be randomly chosen. Clusters should be completed with an End of Cluster page for best results (otherwise they treat the End of Lesson as the EOC). Questions within a cluster are randomly selected by choosing "Random Question within a Cluster" as a jump. Questions within a cluster may either link to the EOC to exit the cluster, or jump to an unseen question within the cluster, or jump to any other page in the lesson. This also enables the creation of scenarios with a random element using the lesson module.
When to use a cluster?
A cluster in the lesson works as if you had a random question quiz inside your lesson. If you have for example a set of 6 questions / a set of 6 pages inside your lesson AND you would like each student to go through ONLY two of these 6 pages, then you can use Cluster to arrange that.