Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see local/sanitychecker/view.


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This plugin provides an interface to implement sanity checks on moodle.

Moodle version

Moodle 2.3 or newer


go to the right directory

Before all, change your working directory to YOUR_MOODLE_DIRROOT/local where : YOUR_MOODLE_DIRROOT represents the root directory of your moodle site.

get the plugin

using git

Clone the plugin repository by running : git clone sanitychecker

using archive

Download the zip archive directly from github and uncompress under sanitychecker directory :

wget -c unzip && mv moodle-local_sanitychecker-master sanitychecker

finalize the installation

Authenticate with an administrator account and go to the notifications page to finish the install. This page is located under : http(s)://YOUR_MOODLE_SITE/admin/index.php where : YOUR_MOODLE_SITE is the domain of your moodle site.

How to use this feature

Once installed you will find a link under Settings > Site administration called Sanity checker by clicking on it, you will be redirected to the plugin dashboard. Its table lists all the available sanity checkers under four columns :

   Name : the implementation name
   Description : should describe what the checker is supposed to do
   Actions : here is displayed a dynamic link to run the actions to perform
   > check : to run the tests
   > resolve : in case a problem is found, apply the fix
   Information : displays contextual information about what is done

So choose which test you want to run and click on Run test. If a problem is found the previous action link is renamed Resolve issue. Click on it to apply the fix. How create new sanity checker implement the API

Create an implementation of the SanityChecker interface

interface SanityChecker {

    * get the sanity checker name
    * @return string       returns the name of this implementation
   public function getName();
    * get the description of what this sanity check does
    * @return string       returns the description of this implementation
   public function getDescription();
    * perform the test
    * @return boolean      returns true if the test succeeds, false if it fails
   public function doCheck();
    * get information on the problem detected
    * @return string       returns information related to the detected problem
    *                      or an empty string if there is no issue
   public function getInformationOnIssue();
    * resolve the problem
   public function resolveIssue();


or extends the abstract DatabaseSanityChecker which is a class helper to perform sanity checks on database records.

register the service implementation

Add the class full name of your implementation on a new line in the ./classes/META-INF/services/evidev.moodle.plugins.sanitychecker file.

For now, you add to take care about providing a way to load your class by your own or to install it under the ./classes directory.

Each folder under the subtree of this directory, except META-INF , represents a part of the class namespace. To illustrate this, the SanityChecker interface is declared under the namespace evidevmoodleplugins and is located at ./classes/evidev/moodle/plugins/SanityChecker.php

Sanity Checker List

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