Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see External database enrolment.

External database enrolment

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 07:36, 15 September 2006 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (when enrolment happens)

You may use a external database (of nearly any kind) to control your enrolments. It is assumed your external database contains a field containing a course ID, and a field containing a user ID. These are compared against fields that you choose in the local course and user tables.

Supported data sources

  • access
  • ado
  • mssql
  • borland_ibase
  • csv
  • db2
  • fbsql
  • firebird
  • ibase
  • informix72
  • informix
  • mysql
  • mysqlt
  • oci805
  • oci8
  • oci8po
  • odbc
  • odbc_mssql
  • odbc_oracle
  • oracle
  • postgres64
  • postgres7
  • postgres
  • proxy
  • sqlanywhere
  • sybase
  • vfp

External database enrolment happens at the moment when a user logs into Moodle. An easy way of checking how it's working is to try logging in as a student. External database enrolment also manages unenrolment.

See also