Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see Scheduled tasks.

Scheduled tasks

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:09, 1 July 2014 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (note re running Cron thanks to Luis de Vasconcelos)

New feature
in Moodle 2.7!

An administrator can schedule routine tasks very precisely from Administration>Site administration>Server>Scheduled tasks.

(Note that you still need to run the CRON scripts (\admin\cli\cron.php or http:\\yoursite\admin\cron.php) at regular intervals.The script is best run every minute.)


Clicking the edit icon allows the administrator to specify the minute/hour/day/month or day of the week the task is to be run. It is also possible to reset the task to its default setting or disable it completely.


Format for scheduling tasks

When typing into the fields, the format is the same as for Unix cron. Examples are as follows and are according to which field you are editing:

* is every minute, hour, day, month
*/2 is every two minutes, every two hours or every second day
2-10 is every minute between two and ten past the hour or every hour between 2 and 10 am 
0 is every Sunday
1 is every Monday or every January
2,5 is the second and 5th of the month, or February and May, or Tuesday and Friday.

See also
