Moodle manuals
From MoodleDocs
In addition to Moodle documentation and books on Moodle (a percentage of which sales go to developing Moodle), this page contains links to manuals, and other resources produced by Moodlers all over the world. Please feel free to submit your contribution by adding a link to this page.
Teacher manuals
- Strategies for Managing the Online Workload by Sue Harper 54 pages Print $9.50 Download $5.99 Uses Moodle 2 for demonstration examples. 39 strategies are given.
- Moodle 2: Getting a Grip on the Lesson Activity by Sue Harper 58 pages Print $9.50 Download $5.99
- Moodle 2: The File Picker by Sue Harper 54 pages Print $9.50 Download $5.99
- The Syllabus: A Centrepiece of Online Course Design by Sue Harper 52 pages Print $9.50 Download $5.99 Uses Moodle 2 for demonstration of uses, and provides links to free online tools.
Other Languages
- Novedades para la docencia en Moodle 2.0 (Spanish) - by Alexander Ángel Corrochano (.pdf Sep 2010)
- Moodle com a plataforma educativa de centre (catalan) - by Irene Martínez Pérez, Joaquim Vilar Sais, Joan Queralt Gil, Àngels Mustienes Montero and Jordi Fontich Vicens (PDF, 3.7 MB, March 2010)
Administration manuals
- Moodle 2.0 Administration Map by Alex Büchner Technical Director of Synergy Learning (Moodle Partner)(1.5MB)