Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.5. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Git for Mac.

Git for Mac

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:36, 17 September 2013 by German Valero (talk | contribs) (tidy up)
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This GIT installer for Mac OS X is part of the installation package Moodle4Mac by Ralf Krause


#! /bin/sh
#  This GIT installer for Mac OS X is part 
#  of the installation package Moodle4Mac
#  20130514 - Ralf Krause
echo "+--------------------------------------------+"
echo "| GIT updater for your local Moodle server"
echo "+--------------------------------------------+"
cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs
if ! test -e moodle25/.git ; then
   ## the first git update must get everything including .git
   git clone --depth 1 -b MOODLE_25_STABLE git:// moodle25-git
   if test -e moodle25 ; then
       if test -e moodle25/config.php ; then
           cp moodle25/config.php moodle25-git/.
       DATE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
       mv moodle25 moodle25-$DATE
   mv moodle25-git moodle25
   ## the old folder can be deleted now
   ## if you want to do this please remove '##' from the following line
   ## sudo rm -R moodle25-*
   ## the next git update only gets the new files
   cd moodle25
   git pull
   cd ..

See also

Git for Administrators