Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.5. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Resource module file API migration.

Development:Resource module file API migration

From MoodleDocs

Template:Moodle 2.0

Please use talk page for comments and proposals, thanks.

Current problems

  • plain text and html resource types separate
  • embedded images and files in general are stored in course files without appropriate access control
  • local files and Internet links mixed
  • HarvestRoad Hive repository type is not maintained.
  • embedded images are lost during backup & restore which moves the course to a new site. -- Matt Gibson 08:53, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
  • can't move a "whole" web page properly from one course to another (eg course import).

Types of resources

Plugin Moodle 1.9 Moodle 2.0
directory a directory of files on disk a collection of files in database
html A html page, containing media from course files or external A html page, containing associated media or external
text A plain text page in some format ?
file A single file, from course files or external URL A single file, associated file or external URL
ims An IMS resource package from course file or repository web root An IMS resource package from associated files
repository Links to external files in repositories (ie Hive) (na)

There are other third party plugins in contrib that need to be migrated:

  • mod/book - displays multiple pages of HTML etc
  • mod/resource/type/digitalnz - browser and add items listed in
  • mod/resource/type/globe - browser and add items in Ariadne repositories
  • mod/resource/type/jmol - display chemistry structures from a jmol format file
  • mod/resource/type/rss - display one RSS feed on a page
  • mod/resource/type/slideshow - display a directory of images as a slideshow

Upgrade planning

Each resource type requires different upgrade code because the files are stored in different places that require special handling. They also have different settings and options with different text encoding in reference, alltext and options db fields.

In several cases, we need to move files from course files into the filearea for the resource (for example, imagine an image included in a HTML file). It's very difficult (impossible?) to cater for 100% of the cases where relative links to other files are being used (imagine a whole uploaded web site with cross-links, or java applets that include images), so a complete solution during upgrade is not ideal.

An alternative solution is "on-demand migration" which upgrades each resource the first time someone looks at it.

  1. Each resource in the database will have a "legacyfiles" flag to mark whether this resource is:
    • 0: files are in correct filearea (default for new resources in 2.0),
    • 1: a 1.9 unmigrated resource (the default for all upgraded sites) or
    • timedate: the last time a file was migrated for this resource
  2. When the browser requests relatively-linked files for a particular unmigrated resource (legacyfiles > 0), copy that file to the resource filearea (not "move" because we don't know if the file is used elsewhere) and set the legacyfiles value to the current timedate
  3. After the resource has been completely viewed, change the legacyfiles flag to 0. This could be done:
    • automatically by by a cron job which finds and updates resources with a last view date from more than 10 minutes ago or something. Disadvantages: this COULD miss some files in complex resources that hadn't been viewed yet.
    • manually by asking the teacher to use/test every part of the resource in their browser, and then clicking a button in the top of the resource to say "This resource is working OK".
  4. Finally, there could be a utility which checks for files that are duplicated in the course file area and all resource file areas. It can present a report of all course files, showing if they are already migrated into resources (and which resources) and allowing the teacher to delete any of the course copies. We could also display information about any recent access to those course files from the file.php scripts (to give the admin/teacher more info about detected uses).

Unfortunately we will probably have to recommend that each teacher must go through and look at the entire course once after the upgrade to Moodle 2.0.


Recursively copy the chosen course directory to the resource area. No other upgrade steps are required.

Requires a full filemanager to manage the tree of files.

Links to course files

  1. Copy linked file (image, sound, pdf, html, etc.) to resource file area
  2. In case of html files find all absolute links to current course files and copy to resource file area
  3. Use file automigration described above for dealing with relative links to files that may contain other relative links (html, flash, java, etc.)

External links

Includes links to other courses and site files. This does not require any upgrade. The url is stored in reference field.

Text and web page

  1. Convert to one plug-in using new editor forms element
  2. Copy directly linked files that may not contain other relative links to resource area
  3. Parse html text and copy all directly linked files to resource module file area, those are always absolute links to current course files (except backupdata and moddata)
  4. Use file automigration described above for dealing with flash, Java and other embedded elements that may require files linked with relative paths

IMS type

  1. copy files from moddata to new resource file area
  2. copy original backup of package file to another new resource area

No other special upgrade steps required.


  • PROBLEM: remove from core completely?

3rd party

  • needs docs

Solution of caching problems

Teachers often do not understand that files may be cached in browsers, se the same mechanism already implemented in SCORM module.

  1. Internally store all files as itemid=0
  2. Add new revision db field into resource table
  3. When serving files always construct links with itemid==revision
  4. Ignore itemid for resource files in pluginfile.php

Code refactoring proposal

Technically it would be difficult to split current Resource into multiple modules. The idea of module subplugins was only implemented only partially, it should be much easier to split unmaintained plugins into separate modules in contrib. Considering long term maintenance and support costs it might be better to create a minimal resource-like module skeleton in contrib instead of encouraging people to create new unofficial resource plugins.

Subplugin related problems

  1. no standard subplugin APIs
  2. all internal module API frozen - no internal refactoring allowed
  3.  subplugin regression more likely
  4. sloppy db table structures - many universal columns with
  5. no standard way to upgrade subplugins - main version file needs to be bumped up
  6. no standard way to uninstall subplugin - db table leftovers
  7. capability in subplugins not supported
  8. subplugin upgrade is not integrated into main module upgrade - subplugin upgrade is executed after the main module upgrade (critical)
  9. subplugins can not have own lang packs
  10. subplugins do not have own log actions
  11. instead of reducing code duplication advanced plugins may duplicate a lot more core
  12.  it is not easy to move unmaintained subplugins into contrib
  13. unofficial subplugins not reported during upgrade
  14. no support for subplugins in file api

Option 1: split Resource into multiple modules

  • mod/resource - formatted text pages
  • mod/resourcefile - one or more uploaded files
  • mod/resourcedir - directory structure
  •  mod/resourcelink - links to external files
+1 to shorter names, like "rsrcfile, rsrcdir ..." due to DB restrictions mainly. --Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 16:20, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Activities block would have to be updated to group all resources onto one page instead of listing all resource modules separately. This can be accomplished easily by adding new field into core modules table.


  • easier maintenance in future
  • easier upgrade (no problems with new db fields)
  • showcase of good coding style for beginners
  • more contrib modules may behave like the real resources (from users' POV)
  • no need for solving of any subplugin problems

Option 2: keep Resource submodules/types

  • mod/resource/type/page - replaces Plain text, wiki and HTML resources
  • mod/resource/type/file - one or more uploaded files one is marked as the main file
  • mod/resource/type/directory - one or more uploaded files
  • mod/resource/type/link - links to external files
  • mod/resource/type/ims - IMS packages, maintained by Eloy


  • each type needs different db structure
  • we should solve all subplugin problems above (a lot of work, hard to maintain)

Moving to contrib

  •  New module/type for special mod/resource/type/file/localfile.php (win32 only tweak) - originally intended for large files stored on local networks or CDs
  • (No idea what to do with hive repositories, we should also remove the obsoleted auth hive SSO support)

See also