Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.5. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Windows Installer anywhere.

Development:Windows Installer anywhere: Difference between revisions

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(Undo revision 67526 by Andreafoaltin (talk))
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                                      PLAN DE LECŢIE
== Moodle Anywhere ==
[[Image:Moodleanywhere.jpg ]]

Clasa :a VIIIa
The Moodle Anywhere is an application pack, which enables users to run Moodle as a stand alone portable variant, in Microsoft Windows Operation System. The package is designed to suit requirements of Moodle content developers and trainers. This variant can also be run without having to access Moodle servers via Internet.
Data : 29.01.2010
It also has the following novel features, which are not incorporated in other Moodle based
standalone versions:  
Discipilna: Matematică-algebră
* Compared other applications, Moodle Anywhere is simple and user-friendly.
* Simple installation procedure.
Titlul lecţiei:Ecuaţia de gradul al II-lea
* The application pack can be made compatible to the Moodle version in your online <br>server, by simply copying the version folder to you pen-drive.
* Compatible with any computer running Microsoft Windows Operation Systems.
Tipul: lecţie de recapitulare şi sistematizare
* The application is transferable from computer to computer, <br>computer to USB or USB to Computer.
Obiective operaţionale: La sfârşitul orei elevul va fi capabil :
• Să cunoască formele unei ecuaţii de gradul al II-lea completă si incompletă;
• Să reproducă si să aplice formula discriminantului si formulă de rezolvare a ecuaţiei ax2+bx+c= 0
• Să anticipeze numarul de soluţii reale ale ecuaţiei ax2+bx+c= 0
• Să rezolve ecuaţii reductibile la forma ax2+bx+c= 0

• Să aplice metodele cele mai potrivite în scopul eficientizării rezolvărilor

• Să manifeste perseverenţa si interes pentru rezolvarea ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea
The Moodle variation based on Moodle Windowns package URL:

Obiective specifice lecţiei:
Download MoodleAnyWhere as  zip file from


-să-şi însuşeasca formula discriminantului si formula de rezolvare a ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea ax2+bx+c= 0
== '' Installation Guide'' ==

* Administration permitted login to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems: XP or Vista
* 300MB storage space
* Minimum 128 MB RAM space

-să poată determina dacă o ecuaţie de gradul al II-lea are sau nu soluţii şi în caz afirmativ să ştie să le determine folosind formula de rezolvare; 
===Installation procedure===
# Unzip the application pack to sub-directory located in your PC or thumb drive.
-să prezinte într-o maniera clară, corectă şi concisă, oral sau scris succesiunea paşilor de rezolvare a ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea folosind terminologia si noţiunile adecvate;
# Click Moodle Start Icon  , which starts up the application.
-dezvoltarea dorinţei de a cunoaşte cât mai bine ecuaţia de gradul al II-lea
Metode si procedee:
conversaţia euristica, explicaţia, demonsţratia, exerciţiul, observaţia, munca individuala, expunerea;
-manual alternativ clasa a VIII,culegere Mate 2000(Anton Negrilă),metodica predarii matematicii in gimnaziu
-cretă albă, colorată, caiete de notiţe,planse,fişe de lucru, fişă de evaluare;
===Logging-out procedure===
# Log-out from Moodle application.
-clasă omogenă cu cunoştinţe ce necesită consolidare;
# Double-click the server icon  located on the Task-Bar on you PC to terminate the application.
-activităţi frontale,individuale;
c)timp: 1 h;
Scenariu didactic:
1.Moment organizatoric
===Moodle Version Up-date===
# Download required updated version of  Windows Moodle from official Moodle site at [Example path  C:/ ]  Decompress this file at the same location.
-verificarea prezenţei elevilor si notarea absenţelor in catalog;
# Download AMPstart.exe from to Moodle sub directory in decompressed application folder( Example C:\moodle\moodle). 
# Click AMPstart.exe to start the Moodle Environment.  This will automatically start the Moodle Installation Wizard.
# Continues the wizard by default setting
# Change only the ‘Username’ and  ‘New password’ in the Moodle Installation Account Details (Refer Figure 2). [[Image:Example.jpg]]Figure 2:  Moodle Administrator Account Details
# open config.php file in Moodle sub folder (c:/Moodle/Moodle/config.php) and change the following two lines by commenting using two back slashes (i.e. //) at the beginning of each line. <code php>//$CFG->dirroot  = 'D:\moodle\server\moodle';
//$CFG->dataroot  = 'D:\moodle\server/moodledata';</code>
# Add following two lines after the two commented lines <code php>$CFG->dirroot  = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$CFG->dataroot  = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/moodledata';</code>
# Save the config.php file; run AMPstart.exe file
# Moodle anywhere is now ready for execution; hence you could copy the sub-directory to your USB drive or to any other sub-directory in your hard-disk.

-verificarea ţinutei elevilor si celor necesare defaşurarii orei
== FAQ: ==

-asigurarea unei atmosfere adecvate pentru buna desfaşurare a orei
1. Problem: Moodle does not start?
2.Capterea atenţiei
* Check whether you have the administrator permission to run this software <br>in your computer; if not seek assistance from your systems administrator.
* Check whether any other web server is running on your system<br> (browse http://localhost); if so stop such applications.
-verificarea temei elevilor prin sondaj folosind dialogul profesor –elev, elev-elev,prin confruntarea rezultatelor.
In cazul in care apar diferenţe mari la rezultat se rezolvă exerciţiile la tablă;

3.Informarea elevilor asupra lecţiei
Administrator's login information of the demo ?
In cadrul orei de astăzi vom recapitula si sistematiza cunoştinţele referitoare la ecuaţia de gradul al II-lea iar la sfârsâşitul orei toţi elevii vor trebui să ştie să rezolve o ecuaţie de gradul al II-lea

4.Verificarea cunoştinţelor
User ID:admin

Se propune elevilor o activitate interactiva frontală în care elevii vor scrie la tablă şi în caietele de notiţe forma ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea, formula discriminantului si formula de rezolvare a ecuaţiei si numarul de soluţii a ecuaţiei din condiţiile discriminantului
== Contact Help ==

5.Consolidarea cunoştinţelor si asigurarea feed-back-ului

Se propune elevilor o fişă de lucru ce conţine:
'''Harsha Balasooriya('''

-aplicaţii ce conduc la obţinerea formulei de rezolvare a ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea
We need your/community help for continuation of this project!
-identificarea condiţiilor ca o ecuaţie sa aiba soluţii reale sau nu;
-exerciţii de validare a condiţiilor impuse discriminantului pentru ca o ecuaţie să aibă sau nu soluţii reale;
-găsirea unor metode alternative de rezolvare a ecuaţiei de gradul al II-lea

6.Retenţia si transferul
Some useful forum:
Profesorul propune elevilor o fişă de evaluare în care fiecare elev va avea de rezolvat o ecuaţie de gradul al II-lea,
-profesorul va accentua astfel importanţa asimilarii de către elevi a acestor cunoştinţe referitoare la ecuaţia de gradul al II-lea cunoştinţe necesare in capitolul următor Simplificarea expresiilor

7.Tema pentru acasa
[Moodle Anywhere - Installation Problem (Vista O/S)]
-manual pagina 76 problemele 1,2,3 +problemele rămăse din fisă
-indicaţii la temă;
-se notează elevii ce s-au evidentiat in timpul orei

== Manual ==
Clasa  a VIIIa -A
Profesor: Andrei ( Foaltin ) Andrea Bianca


                  FIŞĂ DE LUCRU
== Credit ==

1.Rezolvă ecuaţiile:
A.    a)(x-1)2-(x+3)3=x2-28          B. a) x2-2x-1=0
      b)(x-1)(x-2)=12                    b) 2x2-4x+ 2 =0
      c)x2 + x  -1 =0                    c) 2x2-50=0
      d)-3x2 + x = -1                    d) (x-3)2=0

2.Formaţi ecuaţiile de gradul al II-lea pentru valorile rădăcinilor x1 si x2 cunoscute:
The package is based on Moodle Windows packadge and AMPstart
a) x1 = -5; x2 = 3        c) x1 = ;  x2=  ;

b) x1 =  ; x2 = -2      d) x1 = 2 ; x2 = 5
Developer: Harsha Balasooriya( Open University of Sri Lanka.
3. Calculează lungimea laturilor unui triunghi dreptunghic cu catetele de x+1 si x si ipotenuza de 2x.
Significant assistance for the MoodleAnywhere was facilitated by Distance Education Modernisation Project (DEMP) of Ministry of Higher Education of Sri Lanka

Latest revision as of 11:52, 22 July 2010

Moodle Anywhere


The Moodle Anywhere is an application pack, which enables users to run Moodle as a stand alone portable variant, in Microsoft Windows Operation System. The package is designed to suit requirements of Moodle content developers and trainers. This variant can also be run without having to access Moodle servers via Internet.

It also has the following novel features, which are not incorporated in other Moodle based standalone versions:

  • Compared other applications, Moodle Anywhere is simple and user-friendly.
  • Simple installation procedure.
  • The application pack can be made compatible to the Moodle version in your online
    server, by simply copying the version folder to you pen-drive.
  • Compatible with any computer running Microsoft Windows Operation Systems.
  • The application is transferable from computer to computer,
    computer to USB or USB to Computer.

The Moodle variation based on Moodle Windowns package URL:

Download MoodleAnyWhere as zip file from


Installation Guide


  • Administration permitted login to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems: XP or Vista
  • 300MB storage space
  • Minimum 128 MB RAM space

Installation procedure

  1. Unzip the application pack to sub-directory located in your PC or thumb drive.
  2. Click Moodle Start Icon , which starts up the application.

Logging-out procedure

  1. Log-out from Moodle application.
  2. Double-click the server icon located on the Task-Bar on you PC to terminate the application.

Moodle Version Up-date

  1. Download required updated version of Windows Moodle from official Moodle site at [Example path C:/ ] Decompress this file at the same location.
  2. Download AMPstart.exe from to Moodle sub directory in decompressed application folder( Example C:\moodle\moodle).
  3. Click AMPstart.exe to start the Moodle Environment. This will automatically start the Moodle Installation Wizard.
  4. Continues the wizard by default setting
  5. Change only the ‘Username’ and ‘New password’ in the Moodle Installation Account Details (Refer Figure 2). File:Example.jpgFigure 2: Moodle Administrator Account Details
  6. open config.php file in Moodle sub folder (c:/Moodle/Moodle/config.php) and change the following two lines by commenting using two back slashes (i.e. //) at the beginning of each line. //$CFG->dirroot = 'D:\moodle\server\moodle';

//$CFG->dataroot = 'D:\moodle\server/moodledata';

  1. Add following two lines after the two commented lines $CFG->dirroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$CFG->dataroot  = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/moodledata';
  1. Save the config.php file; run AMPstart.exe file
  2. Moodle anywhere is now ready for execution; hence you could copy the sub-directory to your USB drive or to any other sub-directory in your hard-disk.


1. Problem: Moodle does not start? Reasons:

  • Check whether you have the administrator permission to run this software
    in your computer; if not seek assistance from your systems administrator.
  • Check whether any other web server is running on your system
    (browse http://localhost); if so stop such applications.

Administrator's login information of the demo ?

User ID:admin Password:admin

Contact Help

Harsha Balasooriya(

We need your/community help for continuation of this project!

Some useful forum:

[Moodle Anywhere - Installation Problem (Vista O/S)]




The package is based on Moodle Windows packadge and AMPstart

Note: Developer: Harsha Balasooriya( Open University of Sri Lanka. Significant assistance for the MoodleAnywhere was facilitated by Distance Education Modernisation Project (DEMP) of Ministry of Higher Education of Sri Lanka