Theme credits
From MoodleDocs
Themes give Moodle sites colour and life.
Themes included in Moodle 2.4
- Afterburner by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning (1.9 version) and ported to Moodle 2.0 by Mary Evans, NewSchool Learning with credit to Rocket Themes for the original design
- Anomaly by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Arialist by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning with credit to Mohd Huzairy for the original design
- Binarius by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Boxxie by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Brick by John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning
- Formal white by Andrea Bicciolo, MediaTouch 2000
- FormFactor by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Fusion by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning with credit to Digital Nature for the original design
- Leatherbound by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Nimble by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning with help from John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning
- Magazine by John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning
- MyMobile by John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning
- Nonzero by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning with credit to NodeThirtyThree for the original design
- Overlay by John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning
- Serenity by Patrick Malley, NewSchool Learning
- Sky high by John Stabinger, NewSchool Learning with credit to Julian Ridden, for the original design
- Splash by Caroline Kennedy, Synergy Learning
- Standard
- Standard (legacy)