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From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 13:12, 14 June 2006 by Olivier CATTEAU (talk | contribs) (Full Category 8)


The aim of this page is to define the LOM application profile for Moodle courses (MoodleCore).

It's based on IEEE 1484.12.1-2002 LOM FINAL DRAFT STANDARD.

"An application profile is an assemblage of metadata elements selected from one or more metadata schemas and combined in a compound schema. Application profiles provide the means to express principles of modularity and extensibility. The purpose of an application profile is to adapt or combine existing schemas into a package that is tailored to the functional requirements of a particular application, while retaining interoperability with the original base schemas". Metadata Principles and Practicalities

Examples of LOM application profile






MoodleCore Base Schema
Nr Name Size Use in MoodleCore Example
1 General 1 Mandatory -
1.1 Identifier Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for 1 item -
1.1.1 Catalog 1 Mandatory "URI"
1.1.2 Entry 1 Mandatory ""
1.2 Title 1 Mandatory ("en","Using Moodle")
1.3 Language Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for 1 item "en","es_ES","fr_CA"
1.4 Description Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Optional ("en,"The best course for using Moodle")
1.5 Keyword Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for at least 1 item ("en","Learning Management System")
1.6 Coverage Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Not present
1.7 Structure 1 Mandatory

"collection" for a course

1.8 Aggregation Level 1 Mandatory

"3" for a course

2 LifeCycle 1 Mandatory -
2.1 Version 1 Optional ("en","1.0")
2.2 Status 1 Optional ("en","final")
2.3 Contribute Smallest permitted maximum 30 items Mandatory for at least 1 author -
2.3.1 Role 1 Mandatory for author "author"



2.3.2 Entity Smallest permitted maximum 40 items Mandatory for at least 1 author "BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Martin Dougiamas\nNICKNAME:moodler\nTITLE:Lead developer of Moodle\nEMAIL\;\nEND:VCARD\n"
2.3.3 Date 1 Optional "2006-06-14"
3 Meta-Metadata 1 Mandatory -
3.1 Identifier Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for 1 item -
3.1.1 Catalog 1 Mandatory "URI"
3.1.2 Entry 1 Mandatory ""
3.2 Contribute Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for at least 1 creator -
3.2.1 Role 1 Mandatory "creator"
3.2.2 Entity Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory "BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Martin Dougiamas\nNICKNAME:moodler\nTITLE:Lead developer of Moodle\nEMAIL\;\nEND:VCARD\n"
3.2.3 Date 1 Optional "2006-06-14"
3.3 Metadata Schema Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for MoodleCore "MoodleCorev1.0"
3.4 Language 1 Mandatory "en"
4 Technical 1 Mandatory -
4.1 Format Smallest permitted maximum 40 items Not present -
4.2 Size 1 Mandatory

The calculated size of the backup file

4.3 Location Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory ""
4.4 Requirement Smallest permitted maximum 40 items Not present -
4.4.1 OrComposite Smallest permitted maximum 40 items Not present - Type 1 Not present - Name 1 Not present - Minimum Version 1 Not present - Maximum Version 1 Not present -
4.5 Installation Remarks 1 Not present -
4.6 Other Platform Requirements 1 Not present -
4.7 Duration 1 Not present -
5 Educational Smallest permitted maximum 100 items Mandatory -
5.1 Interactivity Type 1 Mandatory

mixed for a Moodle course

5.2 Learning Resource Type Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Not Present -
5.3 Interactivity Level 1 Mandatory

"very high" for a Moodle course

"very high"
5.4 Semantic Density 1 Not Present -
5.5 Intended End User Role Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory

"learner" for a Moodle course

5.6 Context Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Optional ("LOMv1.0","school")

("LOMv1.0","higher education")


5.7 Typical Age Range Smallest permitted maximum 5 items Optional "7-9"

("en","adults only")

5.8 Difficulty 1 Optional "very easy"

"very difficult"

5.9 Typical Learning Time 1 Optional "PT1H30M"
5.10 Description Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Not present -
5.11 Language Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Not present -
6 Rights 1 Mandatory -
6.1 Cost 1 Mandatory

"no" by default



6.2 Copyright and Other Restrictions 1 Mandatory

"no" by default



6.3 Description 1 Optional ("en","Use of this learning object is only permitted after a donation has been made to")
7 Relation Smallest permitted maximum 100 items Optional -
7.1 Kind 1 Mandatory "isrequiredby"
7.2 Resource 1 Mandatory -
7.2.1 Identifier Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Mandatory for at least 1 item - Catalog 1 Mandatory "URI" Entry 1 Mandatory ""
7.2.2 Description Smallest permitted maximum 10 items Optional ("en","Using Moodle in french")
8 Annotation Smallest permitted maximum 30 items Optional -
8.1 Entity 1 Mandatory "BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Martin Dougiamas\nNICKNAME:moodler\nTITLE:Lead developer of Moodle\nEMAIL\;\nEND:VCARD\n"
8.2 Date 1 Mandatory "2006-06-14"
8.3 Description 1 Mandatory ("en","I really enjoy using this course")
to be continued ...

See also