Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.4. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Usage block.

Usage block: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
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[[Image:Usage01.JPG]] [[Image:Usage02.JPG]] [[Image:Usage03.JPG]]
[[Image:Usage01.JPG]] [[Image:Usage02.JPG]] [[Image:Usage03.JPG]]

The scale on the left is for page views. The scale on the right is for the number of users and messages. The user can get numerical data by clicking on the graph.
The scale on the left is for page views. The scale on the right is for the number of users and messages. The user can get numerical data by clicking on the graph, and in that case a table with the data in the graph appears bellow.

This block does not create any tables, and use the mdl_log table only in the cron, not in each page view.
In a real site the block can look like this:
This block does not create any tables, and use the mdl_log table only in the cron, not in each page view. This makes the block very light, allowing to put the block in heavy Moodle sites.


Revision as of 14:34, 14 October 2008

Usage Block

The Usage block provides on the fly site graph usage information: page views, number of distinct users, number of messages (forum posts). This information is shown in three scales: months, days, hours.

Usage01.JPG Usage02.JPG Usage03.JPG

The scale on the left is for page views. The scale on the right is for the number of users and messages. The user can get numerical data by clicking on the graph, and in that case a table with the data in the graph appears bellow.

In a real site the block can look like this:


This block does not create any tables, and use the mdl_log table only in the cron, not in each page view. This makes the block very light, allowing to put the block in heavy Moodle sites.


  • Download the last version from
  • Copy the usage folder into the \blocks folder of your Moodle site
  • Login in to Moodle as an administrator and go to the \admin page (Notifications) to install the block
  • When prompted, set the default settings for the block, or go to the block settings page (Administration Site > Modules > Blocks > Usage)
  • Make sure the cron has run
  • Add the Usage block to the front page


In the global configuration of the Usage block (Site Administration > Modules > Blocks > Usage) you can specify:

  • the number of months (2 - 12), days (2 - 30) and hours (2 - 24) to show on the block;
  • the default scale (months, days or hours), but the user can always switch the scale;
  • width and height of the graph;
  • for the page views, users and messages: on/off the graph; colour; type (line, bar, area).



Thanks to the generosity of translators, the Usage Block is available in:

  • English
  • Portuguese

Other translations are welcome. If you would like to provide a translation of this block, please create an issue in the tracker with the language file attached to the issue.

To Do List

Feature requests and bug reports can be filed in the Moodle Tracker (


The Usage Block was contributed and is maintained by José Coelho.