Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.3. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Using SCORM.


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Revision as of 14:48, 25 April 2012 by Klaus Steitz (talk | contribs) (DE-Link)

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Like a Moodle course, each SCORM package will vary with the modules used in its construction by the teacher and by the SCORM activity settings established by the teacher.

Features of Student View

  • Preview and review mode options
  • Checkboxes to indicate whether sections have been accessed previously
  • Start new attempt
  • Reset

Features of Teacher View

Access SCORM reports

To access the scorm reports, first go to the content structure page with a user that has teacher permissions. Select the Reports tab.

SCORM reports screen

The reports page shows a table of attempts for the SCORM activity. If you have the SCORM activity set up to allow multiple attempts, there may be more than one attempt for some users.

  • Delete Attemtps: Delete attempts by selecting the attempt checkbox, and then selecting the Delete selected attempts button.
  • Export Attempts: Select one of the export options to download attempts in various formats.
  • Single Attempt Data: Select the number in the attempt column to view a detailed report for a specific user attempt.
SCORM report table

View attempt.png

Select the Track Details link to view the specific SCORM values recorded to the LMS by the SCORM object.

Track details view of SCORM report for a single user

Note that the tracked details depend heavily upon what the SCORM object itself is programmed to report. Many SCORM packages created with authoring suites use the suspend_data field to record important information, instead of the traditional SCORM values. This makes deciphering the recorded data extremely difficult.

SCORM interactions report

New feature
in Moodle 2.3!
The new interactions report in Moodle 2.2 onwards shows students' responses to questions together with the correct answers.

scorm interactions report.png

Clear an attempt

To clear attempts by a student:

  1. Go to the SCORM activity and select the link "View reports for x users"
  2. Select the attempt or attempts you want to clear using the checkbox
  3. Select Delete in the drop-down box at the bottom of the page