Blogs allow students, teachers and administrators to have a public web log. This online journal has various settings to control who can read them.
Many companies and organisations on the web provide blog sites and they are generally free. The largest company to do this is blogger which is owned by Google. There are also many Open Source web applications that can be downloaded and installed freely. The most common other these is Wordpress.
Blogs in Moodle are user based - each user has their own Blog. Admins, Teachers, and users can create Tags - Admins can create site level tags, Teachers can create Course level tags, and users can create their own list of tags.
When a blog entry is created, a user can select which tags they wish to associate with their new entry. - multiple tags can be selected. Users can also select who they want the blog entry to be available to - (depending on the global settings of the site.)
See also
- Elgg
- Wordpress
- Wikipedia on Blogs
- Using Moodle Blogs and comments forum discussion
- Blogs development