Hinweis: Sie sind auf den Seiten der Moodle 2.3 Dokumentation. Die Dokumentation der aktuellsten Moodle-Version finden Sie hier: Buch konfigurieren.

Buch konfigurieren

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Buch im Kurs anlegen und konfigurieren

  1. Melden Sie sich als Trainer/in im Kurs an und schalten Sie die Kursseite in den Bearbeitungsmodus: Block Einstellungen > Kurs-Administration > Bearbeiten einschalten.
  2. Wählen Sie im Kursabschnitt, in dem Sie das Buch hinzufügen wollen, über das Auswahlmenü Aktivität anlegen... die Option Buch aus.

Name und Beschreibung

Geben Sie dem Buch einen Namen, der auf der Kursseite angezeigt wird. Im Textbereich Beschreibung tragen Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Buchinhalts ein.


Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Kapitel im Buch zu nummerieren:

  • Keine - chapter and subchapter titles are not formatted at all, use if you want to define special numbering styles. For example letters: in chapter title type "A First Chapter", "A.1 Some Subchapter",...
  • Nummern - chapters and subchapters are numbered (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, ...)
  • Aufzählungspunkte - subchapters are indented and displayed with bullets.
  • Einrückung - subchapters are indented.
define numbering

Note that the width of the table of contents is set by the administrator of your site.


Whole books and individual chapters may be printed by selecting the relevant link in Settings>Book administration:


If you do not wish certain roles to be able to print books (eg students) then you can remove this capability via Settings>Book administration>Permissions>booktool/print:print

Eigene Titel der Unterkapitel

If you disallow custom titles, the chapter title (the one that appears on the table of contents) will appear as a header at the top of your content (1 below) If you enable custom titles, you will be able to create a title different from the one that appears in the ToC or display no title at all (2 below) If you enable custom titles, you will need to enter the chapter title as part of the page content.


Kapitel hinzufügen

Titles of chapters appear as links in the table of contents to the left of your content. Keep your titles short.

To add another chapter, click on the red cross in the Table of Contents or first chapter. The new chapter will be inserted directly after the chapter whose title is on the same line as the red cross you click.


Unterkapitel hinzufügen

Note that the sub chapter box is checked. A chapter may have many sub chapters, but sub chapters cannot have subchapters. In order to keep this resource simple, you are limted to two levels.


You now see a chapter and a sub chapter. Because we did not elect to number chapters, the fact that the second chapter is a sub chapter cannot be seen in the table of contents. Note that you do, however, see this in the title above the content.

By the way, the items in the table of contents are neither numbered nor are they indented only because that is the option we chose when setting up the book. We can always go back and change that.


Kapitel importieren

To import chapters

  • Create a zip file of HTML files and optional multimedia files and folders. If you wish to upload subchapters, add "_sub" to the end of HTML file or folder names.
  • Go to Settings > Book administration > Import chapter
  • Choose whether each HTML file or folder represents one chapter
  • Browse for and select the zip file, either using the Add button or the drag and drop method:


  • Click the import button

Note: Relative file links are converted to absolute chapter links. Images, Flash and Java are relinked too. Remember to upload images and multimedia files as well as HTML files.
