The phpinfo display contains information about the configuration of your PHP installation. This is useful for checking:
- that your PHP installation meets Moodle's system requirements.
- the values that are currently applied to your server's PHP install, e.g. File upload limits
- that you have installed the required modules needed for Moodle to work, e.g. the LDAP module for LDAP authentication.
Displaying phpinfo in Moodle
An administrator can find PHP info in Settings > Site administration > Server > PHP info.
Displaying phpinfo outside of Moodle
To view the phpinfo information:
- Create a file called info.php using your text editor, containing this single line:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
- Save this file as info.php
- Upload this file into the root web accessible folder on your server.
- Now open this file in your browser. For example http://<server-name>/info.php.
Sample output
This is a sample output displayed.
=PHP Version 4.3.3= |
System | Windows NT MYLAPTOP0106 5.1 build 2600 |
Build Date | Aug 24 2003 22:01:16 |
Server API | Apache |
Virtual Directory Support | enabled |
Configuration File (php.ini) Path | C:\WINDOWS\php.ini |
PHP API | 20020918 |
PHP Extension | 20020429 |
Zend Extension | 20021010 |
Debug Build | no |
Thread Safety | enabled |
Registered PHP Streams | php, http, ftp, compress.zlib |
This output goes on for about 5 pages.
See also
- PHP reference describing the core PHP.INI directives
- PHP FAQ in the developer docs