Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: James Neill/Moodleposium/2010/Tuckfield.

'23 things' a way to learn Moodle - Vanessa Tuckfield, CIT

Vanessa is an educational copyright expert - CIT library staff are involved in implementing new LMS.

  1. CIT uses Moodle (LMS), Wimba (Live classroom) and Equella (Learning object repository)
  2. Library's role is help staff learn to use these tools
  3. "23 things" is a method/process for learning web 2.0 - CIT is using/adapting this approach to help staff learn Moodle/Wimba
  4. 10 week course - 1 hour per week, n = 33 - teaching and learning staff
    1. Some finished in 2 weeks; others ran over (varying degree of participation)
    2. Focused on what was different between old LMS and new Moodle?
    3. Content:
      1. How to log in
      2. How to develop profiles
      3. How to create a blog (within Moodle - for
      4. Glossary
      5. Wikis - Favourite things
      6. Internet security - budd.e program (for primary and high school) - create robots - export and import images of the robot into Moodle
      7. Wimba - Pronto messaging system (download/install)
      8. Wimba classroom (only organised session) - also organised through calendar
      9. Choice (favourite colours)
      10. RSS/Email feeds
      11. Quiz
      12. Voice presentation (favourite poems / limericks)
      13. Voice board
      14. Photo stream
      15. Embed Youtube / Teachertube
      16. Twitter/Yammer
      17. Locate 'free' learning objects - cc-licensed from Flickr
      18. Deposit object in eLR repository
      19. Link object to course
      20. Feedback form
      21. Twitter/Yammer
      22. Automated certificate