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Development:Wiki features

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:43, 26 February 2008 by Hans de Zwart (talk | contribs) (Request for RSS as a feature)

Features wanted for the Wiki in Moodle 2.0, and status of existence in existing wikis :

Wanted feature eWiki (Moodle 1.8 etc) NWiki OUWiki Comment
Mediawiki syntax No Yes No There should be option to use Mediawiki syntax also in forums, resources, etc. - new text format.
Ability to quickly summarize a students total overall contributions e.g. words added/words deleted/comments added No ? Soon I have not had time to fully explore nwikis grading system, but suspect there is a way in there somewhere :)
Preserve line breaks ? ? No Information is often pasted into a wiki, a wiki is used by younger students, or there are a quick succession of edits during class, such as creating a list, that require preserved line breaks. Using Creole Wiki Markup as the ONLY markup unfortunately destroys pasting in information and trying to find every crlf in a pasted document and replace it with a /n is beyond most users. We have to remember that wikis will often be used by those who have never used one before.
Ability to add an "add to the page" box anywhere, or multiple times, in a page no no no The "Add to the page" box would be added using very simple markup (e.g., it is a plus sign at the beginning of a line in Swiki). The button has a small text area with it that can be typed in and, when the button is clicked, the information goes straight to that spot in a wiki. We use this for brainstorming in class with several groups so they can work in a small group but see and build a common document. Adding comments to students' pages, either by other students, or the students place the box at the top of the page and a teacher can quickly make a comment and move on. Even during meetings several of us share recording duties, and with the add to the page box, we can each be typing then submit. Properly implemented, this eliminates editing collisions in these situations. Each submit is treated as a separate page edit in the editing recored. Additional characters or markup beyond the one to insert the box would give the option of having lines between, keeping the box above the submissions (so it stays in place), or adding a time/date/user stamp in a different font to identify who added the information.
RSS feeds on changes to a page and changes to the Wiki no ? yes RSS is increasingly the way I like to consume and remix my information.

Reporting student contributions to OU wiki is one of the reports we are currently working on, I think.