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Using Lesson

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:07, 10 April 2006 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (category)


What the teacher can see on the page depends on whether the lesson already has some content.

When the lesson has no content:

When you are creating a new lesson, you first decide on the settings of the lesson Adding/editing a lesson and then you are taken to a page. Here you are asked which of the following you would like to do now: import questions, add a Branch Table or add a Question Page. NOTE!! It is much more convenient to create Question Pages first and then to create a Branch Table.

When the lesson already has content:

There are three main ways in which the teacher can view a lesson. They are: all pages view, navigation view and tree view.

All pages view

You see all pages after pressing the View All Pages button. This is the usual teacher view of a lesson. It shows all the text in the lesson and can thus be quite a long page. You see all pages in their logical order (the order is important, see "Action after correct answer" in the Lesson's settings). Between the pages, you see and can use commands such as: Import questions | Add a Cluster | Add an End of Cluster | Add a Branch Table Add an End of Branch | Add a Question Page here. In questions, the correct answers have underlined Answer Labels.

A useful tip: If you want to see only page titles in their logical order (without the content of the pages)just press one of the "Move Page" links. You will then see a list of the page titles (without the page title that is intended to move of course). It's an easy way of checking the structure of the lesson.

Navigation View

That is another way of viewing a lesson. Here the teacher can see how a lesson's navigation "works", in other words, the teacher can see the lesson from a student's perspective: page by page. You get that view for a specific Question page by using Check Question button at the end of each page or by using the Check Navigation link at the very end, or the very beginning, of the lesson. The Check Question button "launches" the lesson at that page. The Check Navigation link starts the lesson at the first page, the way a student would see the lesson initially.

A useful tip: If, in the lesson settings, you have chosen to display the left menu, you will see that menu on the left handside. This menu is visible only when you are in the navigation view. You don't see the menu if you are currently using the All Pages View or the Tree View.

Tree View

The lesson can be viewed in that way only if you have activated the option in the settings of the lesson.

The Tree View shows you the structure of the lesson: it shows the page titles (in the logical order of the pages). Additionally, you can see how the branches are structured, thanks to the different colours used to highlight them. If you are in the tree view, you can edit, move and delete the pages.