Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Tutorship module.

Tutorship module

From MoodleDocs

Template:Moodle 2.0

Note: This article is a work in progress. Please use the page comments or an appropriate forum for any recommendations/suggestions for improvement.

The Tutorship module helps to administrate and schedule tutoring hours, it allows students to make appointments with teachers for tutoring interview sessions, from a configurable time slots timetable view. Teachers can design their module timetable in order to offer the students a tutorship timetable, so that they can see and make appointments by requesting any available timetable slot.

It was first developed under Moodle version 2.0 in November 2010. It is contributed by Alejandro Michavila.


There are three different views depending on user roll:

Can manage up to three different timetables, adjust the settings that will be applied for all timetables, and they can do it within any course the teacher is enrolled in.
Can request or cancell time slots from the teacher's timetable, where current week is show by default, but next week is also available for viewing.
Can adjust initial module settings before any teacher adds any instance to any course.


General features

  • Supported English and Spanish languages.
  • Help icon on the Tutorship's elements like header or name field.
  • Display error notifications to inform user, in case an error took place.
  • Records user activity to enable audit.
  • Compatibility from 2.0 upwards.

Student features

  • Students can choose the teacher they want to see timetable from.
  • Students can click on the time slot they want to reserve, and they can cancell their requests.
  • Current week and next week time slots view from Tutorship timetable.
  • Can reserve slots from tomorrow to next week's friday, up to a maximum of 4 reserves (depends on teacher's timetable configuration).
  • Students will receive in their email box a confirmation or cancellation of their request, and they can also see confirmation from the timetable view.

Teacher features

  • Current week and next week time slots view from Tutorship timetable.
  • Can confirm or cancell reservations from the timetable view.
  • Can edit the timetable and can save up to three timetables.
  • Can adjust settings to all timetables, like: enable/disable sending mail to teacher, send automatic confirmations to students requests, set the number of reservation request per student (up to 4 as maximum), enable or disable student requests (students will not have the reserve link).

Administrator features

  • Global settings can be adjusted from the module settings page at Administration > Modules > Activities > Tutorship.


Here is a basic outline of the installation process:

  2. Unzip the archive and read this file.
  3. Move the files into your Moodle mod Web directory in moodle/mod.
  4. Visit Settings > Site Administration > Notifications, you should find the module's tables successfully created.
  5. Go to Site Administration > Modules > Activities > Manage activities, and you should find that the tutorship has been added to the list of installed modules.
  6. You may now proceed to add a new instance of tutorship to a course.


Here is a basic outline of the uninstallation process:

  2. Go to Site Administration > Modules > Activities > Manage activities, and delete your Activity module.
  3. You may now proceed to remove the module files from moodle/mod.


If you are a student

  • Go to a course and click on the instance name, could be some name like "Tutoring schedule timetable", but if you are not sure, you can see the module logo at tutorship/pix/ path, see package structure for further details.
  • Select a teacher from the list and turing current week timetable will be shown.
  • You can choose to see current or next week available slots.
  • If teacher has enabled student tutorship session request, then you can request any available slot.
  • You can also cancell your reques

If you are a teacher

  • Click on "Turn editing on" and select "Tutorship" from the "Add an activity" list. Type the name for your instance that will be shown to everybody or leave the "Tutoring schedule timetable" default name. Now it is ready to use.
  • Go to any course you are enrolled and click on the module instance name, you will see your tutoring timetable as students see it, or empty if no timetable has been created yet.
  • To create a timetable go to edit select the period where you want to add your timetable and click on the time slots you want to be seen on your tutoring timetable.
  • You can have up to three timetables. You can adjust your settings commonto all timetables.

If you are an administrator

  • Click on Administration > Modules > Activities > Tutorship and edit the module global configuration, taking in mind not to have any instance added to any course. Global configuration should be edited before any module instance is added to any course, otherwise negative consecuences will take place.






Package structure

  |_ view.php           - Prints a general view of tutorship.
  |_ teacherview.php    - Prints a particular teacher view of tutorship.
  |_ studentview.php    - Prints a particular student view of tutorship.
  |_ locallib.php       - Internal library of functions for module tutorship.
  |_ lib.php            - Library of interface functions for tutorship.
  |_ index.php          - Prints all instances provided in a course.
  |_ version.php        - Defines the version of tutorship.
  |_ mod_form.php       - The instance configuration form.
  |_ settings.php       - The module configuration variables.
  |_ COPYING.txt        - A copy of the GNU General Public License.
  |_ README.txt         - This info text file.
  |_ lang/en/
  |    |_ tutorship.php - English strings for tutorship.
  |_ lang/es/
  |    |_ tutorship.php - Spanish strings for tutorship.
  |_ pix/
  |    |_ icon.gif      - An instance icon.
  |_ db/
       |_ upgrade.php   - The upgrade tacking file.
       |_ install.xml   - The data base schema definition file.
       |_ access.php    - The tutorship capabilities definition file.
       |_ log.php       - Defines log events.
       |_ uninstall.php - Executed after the uninstall process.

Database schema


Here is the Dia file: File:Tutorship.dia

Table Description
tutorship The main instance table.
tutorship_timetables The teacher's timetable with their timeslots.
tutorship_reserves The student's reserved timeslots.
tutorship_configs The teacher's timetable configurations.
tutorship_periods The timetable's periods.
tutorship_timeslots All the possible timeslots within a week.

Languages supported

  • English.
  • Spanish.

Supported versions

  • 2.0.

See also