Authentication FAQ
What is an authentication plugin?
An authentication plugin is a method of handling user authentication i.e. enabling certain people to login to your Moodle site.
How do I set up LDAP authentication?
See LDAP authentication for full instructions.
How is the "No login" authentication plugin used?
The No login authentication plugin can be used to suspend particular user accounts. To do so:
- Access the user's profile page.
- Click the edit profile tab.
- Select "No login" as the authentication method. (If the setting isn't shown, click the "Show advanced" button to reveal it.)
- Click the "Update profile" button at the bottom of the page.
Since upgrading, users are reporting that they can no longer login. What should be done?
If users are unable to login following an upgrade to 1.8 or 1.9, then most likely their account authentication method, such as Email-based self-registration, requires enabling in Administration > Users > Authentication.
Note: The No authentication (none) type should not be enabled on any production server. You can use phpmyadmin to convert all existing accounts created with 'none' to 'manual' or an admin can change the authentication type in Edit profile.
How can I create an authentication plugin?
See Development:Authentication plugins.
See also
- Using Moodle User authentication forum