Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Jira as a Test Case Management Software.

Jira as a Test Case Management Software

From MoodleDocs



Moodle team uses Atlassian Jira as a Bug Tracker system. With a bit of tweaking Jira can become a Test Case Management software. For Moodle 2.0, we improved our QA department. We've been through testing a range of test management software that we could integrate to Jira. We tried more deeply Test Link, an open source software. It gave a us a good understanding of the basic Test Case Management software functionalities. Finally we decide to setup Jira for QA testing purpose. The main reason is that people working on Moodle are well familiar with Jira interface, and it will be easy for them to learn how to create, run test case, or generate report.

Jira and Test Case Management

Jira as a Test Case Management is attractive since it:

  1. Uses an existing and known tool
  2. Provides an easy way to link bugs to test cases and results
  3. Provides decent reporting of the state of testing
  4. Supports multiple releases

Scope of this document

This document describes how to install and setup Jira as a Test Case Management software.

Installing Jira (Linux)

Download the zip file

Setup the entire Jira QA environment

Create a project

Create the QA environment

TestCase Issue Type

New custom fields

Test case screen

Test case screen scheme

Issue type screen scheme

Field configuration

Associate new Field configuration scheme to project

Create Test Case Execution sub-task

Issue Type


Screen scheme

Issue Type Screen Scheme

Field Configuration Scheme (associate Test Case Execution to TC field conf)


?? Intall report tool as Timecharts plugin for Jira ??

Status and Workflow



Workflow Scheme

Associate project to Workflow

Running a QA test cycle

Write Test Case

Run Test Case

Run a test

Report a bug

Read Report

Generate a report

When a QA report need to be created for the current state of a release, we search for all TestCase issues with the Affects Version field set to the required release. The resulting set of issues can then be sorted and counted by number passed, failed, not run etc. Producing historical reports can be done with the Timecharts plugin for Jira, which shows a graph of how the results in a report change over time.

Interpret the report

We created a new link type to connect test cases to the bugs that they created or are verifying. This is the biggest advantage that I see of using an issue tracker to track test cases and bugs together. TBD: we could also add a box to all bugs to indicate whether a Test Case is expected by someone for a bug.