Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Student projects/Admin page cleanup/Reorg.

Student projects/Admin page cleanup/Reorg

From MoodleDocs


As part of the Student projects/Admin page cleanup project, I'm reorganizing the settings in Moodle admin. This page tracks my progress in the actual reorganization and in porting the settings to XML format (as per the XML DTD).

Current Admin Layout (from 1.6)


  • Configuration
    • Variables
      • Interface
        • lang (select)
        • langmenu (select)
        • langlist (text)
        • langcache (select)
        • locale (text)
        • docroot (text)
        • timezone (select)
        • country (select)
        • framename (text)
        • themelist (text)
        • allowuserthemes (select)
        • allowcoursethemes (select)
        • allowuserblockhiding (select)
        • showblocksonmodpages (select)
        • tabselectedtofront (select)
      • Security
        • displayloginfailures (select)
        • notifyloginfailures (select)
        • notifyloginthreshold (select)
        • secureforms (select)
        • loginhttps (select)
        • runclamonupload (select)
        • pathtoclam (text)
        • quarantinedir (text)
        • clamfailureonupload (select)
      • Operating System
        • gdversion (select)
        • dbsessions (select)
        • sessiontimeout (select)
        • sessioncookie (text)
        • sessioncookiepath (text)
        • zip (text)
        • unzip (text)
        • pathtodu (text)
        • slasharguments (select)
        • proxyhost (text)
        • proxyport (text)
      • Maintenance
        • longtimenosee (select)
        • deleteunconfirmed (select)
        • loglifetime (select)
      • Mail
        • smtphosts (text)
        • smtpuser (text)
        • smtppass (text)
        • noreplyaddress (text)
        • digestmailtime (select)
        • allowemailaddresses (text)
        • denyemailaddresses (text)
        • sitemailcharset (select)
        • allowusermailcharset (select)
      • User
        • sitepolicy (text)
        • fullnamedisplay (select)
        • extendedusernamechars (select)
        • autologinguests (select)
        • hiddenuserfields (multiselect)
      • Permissions
        • teacherassignteachers (select)
        • allowunenroll (select)
        • allusersaresitestudents (select)
        • showsiteparticipantlist (select)
        • forcelogin (select)
        • forceloginforprofiles (select)
        • opentogoogle (select)
        • maxbytes (select)
        • messaging (select)
        • allowobjectembed (select)
        • restrictmodulesfor (select)
        • restrictbydefault (select)
        • defaultallowedmodules (multiselect)
      • Course requests
        • enablecourserequests (select)
        • defaultrequestcategory (select)
        • requestedteachername (text)
        • requestedteachersname (text)
        • requestedstudentname (text)
        • requestedstudentsname (text)
      • Miscellaneous
        • maxeditingtime (select)
        • debug (select)
        • perfdebug (select)
        • enablerssfeeds (select)
        • mymoodleredirect (select)
        • bloglevel (select)
      • Statistics
        • enablestats (select)
        • statsfirstrun (select)
        • statsmaxruntime (select)
        • statsruntimestart (2 selects)
        • statsuserthreshold (text)
    • Site Settings
      • Full site name (text)
      • Short name for site (text)
      • Front page description (htmledit)
      • Front page format (3 selects)
      • Include a topic section (select)
      • News items to show (select)
      • Your word for teacher (text)
      • Your word for teachers (text)
      • Your word for student (text)
      • Your word for students (text)
    • Themes
      • Select a theme (custom)
    • Language
      • Language import utility
      • Check for missing strings
      • Edit strings (per file)
      • Edit help documents
    • Modules
      • Hide/show (per module)
      • Delete (per module)
      • Specific settings (per module)
    • Blocks
      • Hide/show (per block)
      • Multiple (per block)
      • Delete (per block)
      • Settings (per block)
    • Filters
      • Active/Inactive filters, settings (and order)
      • Text cache lifetime (select)
      • Filter uploaded files (select)
      • Filter match once per page (select)
      • Filter match once per text (select)
      • Filter all strings (select)
    • Backup
      • Include modules (2 selects)
      • Metacourse (select)
      • Users (select)
      • Logs (select)
      • User files (select)
      • Course files (select)
      • Messages (select)
      • Keep x files (select)
      • Active (select)
      • Schedule SMTWTFS (multiselect)
      • Execute at (2 selects)
      • Save to (text)
    • Editor Settings
      • htmleditor (select)
      • editorbackgroundcolor (text)
      • editorfontfamily (text)
      • editorfontsize (text)
      • editorkillword (select)
      • aspellpath (text)
      • editorspelling (2 selects)
      • fonts in editor's dropdown menu (many texts... expandable too)
      • editorhidebuttons (checkboxes)
    • Calendar
      • adminsseeall (select)
      • startwday (select)
      • weekenddays (multiselect)
      • upcoming_lookahead (text)
      • upcoming_maxevents (text)
      • timezones (select)
      • timezone update/import (link)
    • Maintenance Mode
      • enable/disable (button)
      • message (htmledit)
  • Users *
    • Authentication
      • (still looking into the different authentication methods)
    • Edit User Accounts
      • browse/edit/delete/add/search/alphasort users
    • Add a New User
      • (links to 'edit profile' for a new user)
    • Upload Users
      • import file
    • Enrolments
      • (still looking into different methods of enrolment)
    • Enrol Students
      • links to different courses (chosen via plain list) in admin mode
    • Assign Teachers
      • links through course cateogries to choose a course
    • Assign Creators
      • list to select from existing users
    • Assign Admins
      • list to select from existing users
  • Courses
    • shows course categories
    • add/view/move/rename/delete catgories
    • add a new course
    • delete a course/other tasks (double-check what exactly they are)
  • Logs
    • live logs
    • filter by date/site/participant/activity
  • Site Files
    • upload a file
    • rename/delete/move to folder/delete files
    • make a folder
  • Environment
    • evaluates current server environment for future moodle versions

Proposed Structure (in progress)

  • To Be Categorized
      • vars\maint\longtimenosee
      • vars\maint\deleteunconfirmed
      • vars\maint\loglifetime
      • calendar\startwday
      • calendar\weekenddays
      • calendar\upcoming_lookahead
      • calendar\upcoming_maxevents
      • vars\user\fullnamedisplay
      • vars\user\extendedusernamechars
      • vars\misc\enablerssfeeds
      • vars\misc\mymoodleredirect
      • vars\misc\bloglevel (move to auth&sec if security related?)
  • User Interface
    • General Site Settings
      • sitesets\full site name
      • sitesets\short name for site
      • sitesets\your word for teacher
      • sitesets\your word for teachers
      • sitesets\your word for student
      • sitesets\your word for students
    • Front Page Settings
      • sitesets\front page description
      • sitesets\front page format
      • sitesets\include a topic section
      • sitesets\news items to show
    • Language & Location Settings
      • vars\interface\lang
      • vars\interface\langmenu
      • vars\interface\langlist
      • vars\interface\langcache
      • vars\interface\locale
      • vars\interface\timezone
      • vars\interface\country
      • calendar\timezones
      • calendar\timezone update/import
      • lang\language import utility (hardcoded)
      • lang\check for missing strings (hardcoded)
      • lang\edit strings (hardcoded)
      • lang\edit help docs (hardcoded)
    • HTTP-Related
      • vars\interface\framename
      • vars\os\slasharguments (?)
      • vars\os\proxyhost
      • vars\os\proxyport
    • Filter Settings
      • filt\text cache lifetime
      • filt\filter uploaded files
      • filt\filter match once per page
      • filt\filter match once per text
      • filt\filter all text
    • Theme Settings
      • vars\interface\themelist
      • vars\interface\allowuserthemes
      • vars\interface\coursethemes
      • vars\interface\allowuserblockhiding
      • vars\interface\showblocksonmodpages (?)
      • vars\interface\tabselectedtofront
      • sitesets\select site theme (hardcoded page?)
    • HTML Editor Settings
      • editsets\htmleditor
      • editsets\editorbackgroundcolor
      • editsets\editorfontfamily
      • editsets\editorfontsize
      • editsets\editorkillword
      • editsets\aspellpath (perhaps in backend paths?)
      • editsets\editorspelling
      • editsets\fonts in dropdown menu
      • editsets\editorhidebuttons
    • User Registration
      • vars\user\sitepolicy
  • Server Interface (a.k.a. backend)
    • System Interaction & Paths
      • vars\interface\docroot
      • vars\os\gdversion
      • vars\os\zip
      • vars\os\unzip
      • vars\os\pathtodu
    • Session Handling
      • vars\os\dbsessions
      • vars\os\sessiontimeout (move to security?)
      • vars\os\sessioncookie
      • vars\os\sessioncookiepath
    • Mail
      • vars\mail\smtphosts
      • vars\mail\smtpuser
      • vars\mail\smtppass
      • vars\mail\noreplyaddress
      • vars\mail\digestmailtime
      • vars\mail\allowemailaddresses (move to security?)
      • vars\mail\denyemailaddresses (move to security?)
      • vars\mail\sitemailcharset (move to country/lang?)
      • vars\mail\allowusermailcharset
  • Authentication & Security
    • User Management (hardcoded)
    • Site Policies
      • vars\permis\showsiteparticipantlist
      • vars\permis\forcelogin
      • vars\permis\forceloginforprofiles
      • vars\permis\opentogoogle
      • vars\permis\maxbytes (?)
      • vars\permis\messaging (?)
      • vars\permis\allowobjectembed (?)
      • vars\misc\maxeditingtime (?)
    • User Policies (a.k.a. user permissions)
      • vars\user\autologinguests
      • vars\user\hiddenuserfields (?)
      • vars\permis\teacherassignteachers
      • vars\permis\allowunenroll
      • vars\permis\allusersaresitestudents
      • calendar\adminsseeall
    • Notifications
      • vars\security\displayloginfailures
      • vars\security\notifyloginfailures
      • vars\security\notifyloginthreshold
    • HTTP Security
      • vars\security\secureforms
      • vars\security\loginhttps
    • Virus Stuff (get new title)
      • vars\security\runclamavonupload
      • vars\security\pathtoclam
      • vars\security\quarantinedir
      • vars\security\clamfailureonupload
    • Module Settings
      • vars\permis\restrictmodulesfor
      • vars\permis\restrictbydefault
      • vars\permis\defaultallowedmodules
  • Maintenance & Auditing
    • Maintenance Mode
      • maintmode\enable or disable
      • maintmode\message
    • Performance & Stats
      • vars\misc\debug
      • vars\misc\perfdebug
      • vars\stats\enablestats
      • vars\stats\statsfirstrun
      • vars\stats\statsmaxruntime
      • vars\stats\statsruntimestart
      • vars\stats\statsuserthreshold
    • Backups
      • backup\include modules
      • backup\metacourse
      • backup\users
      • backup\logs
      • backup\user files
      • backup\course files
      • backup\messages
      • backup\keep x files
      • backup\active
      • backup\schedule smtwtfs
      • backup\execute at
      • backup\save to
    • Logs
      • logs\live
      • logs\search
    • Check Upgrade Compatibility
      • environment
  • Courses
    • Course Management (hardcoded)
    • Course Requests
      • vars\coursereq\enablecourserequests
      • vars\coursereq\defaultrequestcategory
      • vars\coursereq\requestedteachername
      • vars\coursereq\requestedteachersname
      • vars\coursereq\requestedstudentname
      • vars\coursereq\requestedtudentsname
  • Plug-in Management (hardcoded)
    • (ability to hide/show a module, delete a module, allow multiple for
    • blocks, and access module settings)
    • --> should filters go here or under UI?
  • Site Files Management (hardcoded)
  • Bookmarks
    • (displays user's list of bookmarks)

Admin Tree Mindmaps

Admin interface tree

Differences to the above list I coloured blue.

Admin intreface tree alphabetically sorted

(The archiv with the Freemind files of the alphabetically sorted tree).