Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.0. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Student projects/Admin page cleanup/Reorg.

Student projects/Admin page cleanup/Reorg: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
(Shifted to dev docs)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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= Introduction =
As part of the [[Student projects/Admin page cleanup]] project, I'm reorganizing the settings in Moodle admin. This page tracks my progress in the actual reorganization and in porting the settings to XML format (as per the [[Student projects/Admin page cleanup/XML file format|XML DTD]]).
== Current Admin Layout (from 1.6) ==
****lang (select)
****langmenu (select)
****langlist (text)
****langcache (select)
****locale (text)
****docroot (text)
****timezone (select)
****country (select)
****framename (text)
****themelist (text)
****allowuserthemes (select)
****allowcoursethemes (select)
****allowuserblockhiding (select)
****showblocksonmodpages (select)
****tabselectedtofront (select)
****displayloginfailures (select)
****notifyloginfailures (select)
****notifyloginthreshold (select)
****secureforms (select)
****loginhttps (select)
****runclamonupload (select)
****pathtoclam (text)
****quarantinedir (text)
****clamfailureonupload (select)
***Operating System
****gdversion (select)
****dbsessions (select)
****sessiontimeout (select)
****sessioncookie (text)
****sessioncookiepath (text)
****zip (text)
****unzip (text)
****pathtodu (text)
****slasharguments (select)
****proxyhost (text)
****proxyport (text)
****longtimenosee (select)
****deleteunconfirmed (select)
****loglifetime (select)
****smtphosts (text)
****smtpuser (text)
****smtppass (text)
****noreplyaddress (text)
****digestmailtime (select)
****allowemailaddresses (text)
****denyemailaddresses (text)
****sitemailcharset (select)
****allowusermailcharset (select)
****sitepolicy (text)
****fullnamedisplay (select)
****extendedusernamechars (select)
****autologinguests (select)
****hiddenuserfields (multiselect)
****teacherassignteachers (select)
****allowunenroll (select)
****allusersaresitestudents (select)
****showsiteparticipantlist (select)
****forcelogin (select)
****forceloginforprofiles (select)
****opentogoogle (select)
****maxbytes (select)
****messaging (select)
****allowobjectembed (select)
****restrictmodulesfor (select)
****restrictbydefault (select)
****defaultallowedmodules (multiselect)
***Course requests
****enablecourserequests (select)
****defaultrequestcategory (select)
****requestedteachername (text)
****requestedteachersname (text)
****requestedstudentname (text)
****requestedstudentsname (text)
****maxeditingtime (select)
****debug (select)
****perfdebug (select)
****enablerssfeeds (select)
****mymoodleredirect (select)
****bloglevel (select)
****enablestats (select)
****statsfirstrun (select)
****statsmaxruntime (select)
****statsruntimestart (2 selects)
****statsuserthreshold (text)
**Site Settings
***Full site name (text)
***Short name for site (text)
***Front page description (htmledit)
***Front page format (3 selects)
***Include a topic section (select)
***News items to show (select)
***Your word for teacher (text)
***Your word for teachers (text)
***Your word for student (text)
***Your word for students (text)
***Select a theme (custom)
***Language import utility
***Check for missing strings
***Edit strings (per file)
***Edit help documents
***Hide/show (per module)
***Delete (per module)
***Specific settings (per module)
***Hide/show (per block)
***Multiple (per block)
***Delete (per block)
***Settings (per block)
***Active/Inactive filters, settings (and order)
***Text cache lifetime (select)
***Filter uploaded files (select)
***Filter match once per page (select)
***Filter match once per text (select)
***Filter all strings (select)
***Include modules (2 selects)
***Metacourse (select)
***Users (select)
***Logs (select)
***User files (select)
***Course files (select)
***Messages (select)
***Keep x files (select)
***Active (select)
***Schedule SMTWTFS (multiselect)
***Execute at (2 selects)
***Save to (text)
**Editor Settings
***htmleditor (select)
***editorbackgroundcolor (text)
***editorfontfamily (text)
***editorfontsize (text)
***editorkillword (select)
***aspellpath (text)
***editorspelling (2 selects)
***fonts in editor's dropdown menu (many texts... expandable too)
***editorhidebuttons (checkboxes)
***adminsseeall (select)
***startwday (select)
***weekenddays (multiselect)
***upcoming_lookahead (text)
***upcoming_maxevents (text)
***timezones (select)
***timezone update/import (link)
**Maintenance Mode
***enable/disable (button)
***message (htmledit)
*Users                                  *
***(still looking into the different authentication methods)
**Edit User Accounts
***browse/edit/delete/add/search/alphasort users
**Add a New User
***(links to 'edit profile' for a new user)
**Upload Users
***import file
***(still looking into different methods of enrolment)
**Enrol Students
***links to different courses (chosen via plain list) in admin mode
**Assign Teachers
***links through course cateogries to choose a course
**Assign Creators
***list to select from existing users
**Assign Admins
***list to select from existing users
**shows course categories
**add/view/move/rename/delete catgories
**add a new course
**delete a course/other tasks (double-check what exactly they are)
**live logs
**filter by date/site/participant/activity
*Site Files
**upload a file
**rename/delete/move to folder/delete files
**make a folder
**evaluates current server environment for future moodle versions
== Proposed Structure (in progress) ==
*To Be Categorized
***vars\misc\bloglevel (move to auth&sec if security related?)
*User Interface
**General Site Settings
***sitesets\full site name
***sitesets\short name for site
***sitesets\your word for teacher
***sitesets\your word for teachers
***sitesets\your word for student
***sitesets\your word for students
**Front Page Settings
***sitesets\front page description
***sitesets\front page format
***sitesets\include a topic section
***sitesets\news items to show
**Language & Location Settings
***calendar\timezone update/import
***lang\language import utility (hardcoded)
***lang\check for missing strings (hardcoded)
***lang\edit strings (hardcoded)
***lang\edit help docs (hardcoded)
***vars\os\slasharguments (?)
**Filter Settings
***filt\text cache lifetime
***filt\filter uploaded files
***filt\filter match once per page
***filt\filter match once per text
***filt\filter all text
**Theme Settings
***vars\interface\showblocksonmodpages (?)
***sitesets\select site theme (hardcoded page?)
**HTML Editor Settings
***editsets\aspellpath (perhaps in backend paths?)
***editsets\fonts in dropdown menu
**User Registration
*Server Interface (a.k.a. backend)
**System Interaction & Paths
**Session Handling
***vars\os\sessiontimeout (move to security?)
***vars\mail\allowemailaddresses (move to security?)
***vars\mail\denyemailaddresses (move to security?)
***vars\mail\sitemailcharset (move to country/lang?)
*Authentication & Security
**User Management (hardcoded)
**Site Policies
***vars\permis\maxbytes (?)
***vars\permis\messaging (?)
***vars\permis\allowobjectembed (?)
***vars\misc\maxeditingtime (?)
**User Policies (a.k.a. user permissions)
***vars\user\hiddenuserfields (?)
**HTTP Security
**Virus Stuff (get new title)
**Module Settings
*Maintenance & Auditing
**Maintenance Mode
***maintmode\enable or disable
**Performance & Stats
***backup\include modules
***backup\user files
***backup\course files
***backup\keep x files
***backup\schedule smtwtfs
***backup\execute at
***backup\save to
**Check Upgrade Compatibility
**Course Management (hardcoded)
**Course Requests
*Plug-in Management (hardcoded)
**(ability to hide/show a module, delete a module, allow multiple for
** blocks, and access module settings)
** --> should filters go here or under UI?
*Site Files Management (hardcoded)
**(displays user's list of bookmarks)
== Admin Tree Mindmaps ==
[ Admin interface tree]
Differences to the above list I coloured blue.
[ Admin intreface tree]
(The [ archiv] with the Freemind files of the alphabetically sorted tree).

Latest revision as of 08:15, 22 June 2011

This development related page is now located in the Dev docs.

See the Student projects/Admin page cleanup/Reorg page in the Dev docs.