

翻訳中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2006年8月17日 (木) 04:28 (WST)

Moodle 1.6

データベース構造のみでは無く、データベースコンテンツも変更 ( すべてUTF8へ変換 ) されたため、Moodle 1.5.x からMoodle 1.6へのアップグレードを始める前に考慮すべき点がいくつかあります。あなたが本当に重要なサイトをアップグレードする場合、間違いなくアップグレードできるか、既存のサイトをコピーした環境でテストアップグレードする価値はあります。


管理 >> 動作環境 ( 最近のMoodleバージョン1.5 ) に移動して、Moodle1.6 を選択してください。;-) あなたのサーバのスペックがMoodle1.6に適合しているか、またあなたが何をやる必要があるのかレポートが表示されます。基本的に、PHP 4.3.0またはそれ以上 ( PHP5の場合、バージョン5.1.0またはそれ以上が必須 )、MySQL 4.1.16またはそれ以上 ( あなたのサイトがラテン文字のみ使用する場合、4.1.12でもOKです ) またはPostgreSQLを使用してください。PHPのネイティブiconvサポート ( コンパイル時に指定してください ) により、処理速度を上げることができますが必須ではありません。


Perform a normal upgrade of your Moodle installation, backing up your database first. Take care to include ALL optional modules you have in your existing installation. Conversion of the data to UTF-8 of these modules will not be possible if you forget this.


Although not strictly necessary, it is HIGHLY recomended that you migrate your database to UTF-8 immediately after upgrading. You'll find the link to do this waiting for you at the top of the admin page. Please see Database migration for further details.


An entirely new interface for languages has been designed. By default, Moodle only contains one language (English), and you need to install all the language packs you need individually. The new interface makes this easy - it will download them for you from and install them in your data directory.

After the migration of the database, you may go to Administration >> Configuration >> Language and follow the Language import utility link. You may select the desired language packs on the right pane and install them directly. Updating the language packs can now easily be done by following the update link.

Take care to use always a language pack that matches your database content:

  • Upgraded installations: first database migration, then UTF-8 language packs
  • New 1.6 installations: you will immediately use UTF-8 language packs

You will not find the en_utf8 language pack in your moodledata/lang folder. It is in the moodle/lang folder and is not to be modified at all. It should never be upgraded, since it is part of the installation. All other language packs, even modifications for the en language pack go in the moodledata/lang folder (and are in the case of the en language pack called en_utf8_local or en_xx_utf8 but then with parent language string in moodle.php)

If you use the langlist variable on the config variables page, don't forget to change the language names from xx to xx_utf8 or the languages will not be shown in the language drop down menu.

IMPORTANT: There is a bug in 1.6 and 1.6.1 that blocks the locales specified in language packs. Workaround is to override locale for all languages by setting it in Administration >> Configuration >> Variables >> locale. You can find suitable values in the Table of locales (en.UTF-8 , es_ES.UTF-8,...). If you are using 1.6.1+ and later the correct value is usually empty field.

Localisations of existing language packs

Localisations of an existing xx_utf8 language pack should be called xx_utf8_local, should be UTF-8 encoded and should also be put in the moodledata/lang folder. It is still possible to give it another name like xx_mypack_utf8, but then you should add the parentlanguage string in moodle.php from your localisation.

Custom language packs

Custom made new language packs go in moodledata/lang. They have to be in a xx_utf8 folder and MUST be UTF-8 encoded (Unicode). We no longer support other encodings, especially when mixed with UTF-8 packs.

If you are using custom language packs before the UTF-8 migration, please remember that they need to include either 1) thischarset or 2) parentlanguage in their moodle.php. Please also rename them from xx to xx_utf8 after the migration. You might need to convert the custom packs into UTF-8 format before using them in a migrated Moodle 1.6.

Advanced languages

If you want to download all the languages at once, we suggest checking the whole lang directory out directly from CVS into your moodledata/lang directory.

 cvs -z3 co lang

This is the recommended method for translators, as you can edit these packs within Moodle and just check them straight back into CVS.


Congratulations! After migrating your database and updating your languages you should have a functional 1.6 site. You'll probably want to visit the various admin pages (especially Variables) to turn some of the features on and off.


  • Translation - More details on language packs in 1.6, especially customized packs
  • Converting files to UTF-8 - General text on how to convert files, like non-standard language packs, to UTF-8

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