Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Publishflow Block : Capabilities.

Publishflow Block : Capabilities

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 15:51, 25 September 2010 by Valery Fremaux (talk | contribs)

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Publication permissions

  • block/publishflow:publish : People having this capability in the surrounding course context can publish the course to the known Course Catalog.
  • block/publishflow:deploy : People having this capability in the surrounding course context can deploy the course to a Moodle host they come from.
  • block/publishflow:deployeverywhere : People having this capability in the surrounding course context can deploy the course to any Moodle known target in the neighbrouhood.
  • block/publishflow:retrofit : People having this capability can retrofit a modified course to any of the knwon Course Factories.
  • block/publishflow:manage : People having this capability in the surrounding course context can open, close or reopen a course.

Block handling permissions

  • block/publishflow:addtocourse : People having this capability can add or delete this block from a course layout.