Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Finding and Selecting A Web Host.

Talk:Finding and Selecting A Web Host

From MoodleDocs

Marc Grober 12:05, 12 January 2009 (CST) AT, I responded to Helen's comments on her talk page.

What do you think about adding Moodle stages discussion per the comment below?


Marc Grober 14:21, 28 November 2008 (CST) While I reserve judgment on any conclusions, these do provide a basis for some reflection that I think meshes well with what you are trying to do and we might want to add this discussion under "Who are you?", pointing out that who you are will likely change over time.....

regarding your note below... I think we will have to be online together to chat that out....


A. T. Wyatt 15:32, 26 November 2008 (CST) Maybe you should do one, and then I will do the others? Not 100% sure I am visualizing the same thing you are.

I think the outline is looking very good.


Marc Grober 15:04, 26 November 2008 (CST) I like the "Who are you?" approach AT, but I think that it should parallel and reference the section below on roles. So the who are you bit will include teachers, developers, etc and each one will be linked then to the sections down below that.... but there wold be a caveat that a reader might want to read about all the roles before jumping to any specific....


Marc Grober 19:22, 25 November 2008 (CST) AWESOME! LOL. I like the way this is coming together. Almost any reader will find themselves in here somewhere.... Need some intrapage links and perhaps some footnotes. As you see thing that really should be moved to another page, stick a couple of carats around it and note it here....


A. T. Wyatt 05:31, 21 November 2008 (CST) I have started adding to the "who are you" section. Might be duplicating your work a bit, but I see mine as less technical. Feel free to rearrange. Or we can do it later.


Marc Grober 18:28, 3 November 2008 (CST) OK, AT, this is is what I see serving as a node in the structure we were talking about. There would be a link from here to a page with the web host experience matrix (from my web_hosting page)


Page title

Marc and atw, thanks for writing documentation on finding and selecting a web host - it looks great! How about changing the title to remove the word "experimental"? --Helen Foster 03:26, 6 January 2009 (CST)

Brainstorming as per request

This is looking great! Thanks for the invite! Here goes...

Types of Hosts

Full Service Moodle Partners

This was a bit of a stumbling block for our group when trying to decide where our Moodle should reside. Very little collected information is available regarding exactly what a Moodle Partner is, what encompasses their certification and what users should expect (and not expect) from them. Because this information can be difficult to find, users may end up selecting a MP over a non-MP simply because they believe the endorsed host must be better, when of course, it is far more complex than that.

A single resource providing collected details would be very beneficial to users and hosts (MP and non-MP) alike. Users could make more intelligent decisions, Moodle Partners would likely reach more users, and non-Partners might become more aware of the needs and requirements of users, and possibly consider a partnership.

Some important and/or relevant points to present might be:

- What exactly does ‘full hosting’ mean?
- What process is used to vet potential MPs?
- Is there an official certification process?
- What minimum standards must be met (technology, service record, etc.) ? 
- What other factors are considered essential? 
- Are there certain levels/areas of expertise that must be present?
- Is the annual 10% contribution to Moodle voluntary or required?
- Are partners required to contribute to Moodle in other ways?
- Is the partnership reviewed/renewed on a regular basis?
- What would constitute a denial or revocation of a partnership?  
- Is there an advocacy group/resource for MP clients?

Non-Partners Hosts

For hosts promoting services related specifically to Moodle hosting and Moodle expertise, some of these same questions could be asked. While can not answer these questions, a consumer checklist would go a long way in helping users better define their own needs, and give them more control over contract negotiations. Again such an instrument might also raise awareness (and possibly standards) among all hosts.

Another tool that might prove beneficial is a survey of sorts recapping hosting services, similar to the matrix, but taking it a step further. This could provide users an at-a-glance, side by side comparison of hosts, and would use many of the same items on the checklist. Such a survey/recap should include Partners and Non-Partners. Host names could be linked to their website or to a client comment/review page. The survey could be could be populated several ways to create several different presentations. Host compare mockup.jpg

1) Host clients (Moodle users) could be invited to submit data by editing a doc page or submitting to a database module (or to a form to populate the database). This would be useful in giving a client’s perspective of services, but could get complicated and messy since you have numerous users to one host.

2) Web hosts could be invited to submit in same manner. This would be useful in giving potential clients information provided directly from the host. It would be easier to maintain and presumably more accurate. This might also generate some healthy competition among hosts, improve customer service practices and encourage more accountability for host that don’t quite raise to standards in some areas.

In General:

Different Moodle user checklists and/or user/host surveys would be useful tools for everyone. Users would gain a better understanding of what is needed and required, of what they can expect, and what is expected of them. Hosts would get a better understanding of what users needs are, what is most important to different types of users, how they measure up to other hosts. These tools could include:

- A user checklist of questions specific to MP
- A checklist of items specific to MP (are they present on the forums, what they say, etc.)
- A user checklist of questions appropriate for any host
- A checklist of items appropriate for any host
- A user checklist to help define an organizations’ needs and priorities
- A user checklist of ‘warning signs’ (messy sites, broken links, ‘unlimited resources,’ ridiculously cheap, etc.)
- A comparison table/resource of various hosts (whether submitted by hosts or collect by users/doc writers). 
- A summary/list of needs for different categories of user (K-1, small school, business, etc.)
- A  summary of host best suited for various users and their needs
- A listing of minimum/optimal hardware/software configurations for development/production Moodle sites.
- A comparison of ‘personal’ web hosts ($5 for everything!) and hosts suited for Moodle productions
- (in terms of typical hardware, software, etc., might help users appreciate the cost differences)

--Sharon Goodson 01:26, 18 January 2009 (CST)