Talk:Page content
To do
Page content is an area used both by questions and by a branch table. Need to decide if the HTML tool bar page is really where the detail belongs. Seems like this page could be a duplication of tool bar information. And of course the tool bar is used throughout Moodle as an edit tool.
Wondering if this might be the place to put some screen shots of some very different types of EXAMPLES of page content in Preview mode. Then some text to describe (with links) how some of the elements were created. I am visually seeing Art's or Joseph's great arrows and circles screenshots on an image 500-600 px wide, so people can see what the student sees.
Examples of Moodle presentations is something that comes up in the forums all the time. Insertion of screen shot examples could also encourage more participation in MoodleDocs by a wide range of teachers. Always Chris's goal.
--Chris collman 06:07, 28 June 2008 (CDT)