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Talk:Assignment module

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Revision as of 14:51, 25 September 2007 by chris collman (talk | contribs) (→‎Assignment, Workshop and Exercise -- oh my!)
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Assignment, Workshop and Exercise -- oh my!

Readers should note Helen's excellent summary for me on the Talk:Exercise module page. In short, Workshop and Exercise modules are being reorganized by a development team. The Assignment Module is full of its own options. --Chris collman 09:51, 25 September 2007 (CDT)

FYI: In (currently 1.8.2), Exercise is listed in the site administration block, under Modules. In my MoodleSpeak, that makes it a standard module <grin>. I gather this was not always the case and may not be the case in other versions <bigger grin>, so what is a confuzzled to do? You will also note that I have requested the community to help me explain the difference in the 3 modules. That will be fun. As always, Thanks for all your efforts and watching over things. --Chris collman 10:12, 23 September 2007 (CDT)

You're right - it is confusing. For various reasons, certain activity modules listed on are hidden i.e. disabled. In the case of the Exercise module it is because is a non-standard module which is included in the standard Moodle download for historical reasons. The Journal module is hidden for the same reason. --Helen Foster 02:42, 24 September 2007 (CDT)

Hi Chris, sorry if I implied that the assignment, workshop and exercise modules were being reorganised. This is NOT the case. The assignment module already has many options with the different assignment types and capability possibilities (in Moodle 1.7 onwards). There is no need to include additional features from the workshop or exercise modules. --Helen Foster 01:32, 25 September 2007 (CDT)
Hi Helen, I wonder where I got that idea. I almost think it was from something I read in either MoodleDocs or in a forum? Probably misread it. Sigh. Thanks. I may come back do some erase and restatements of our friendly educational back and forths all over MoodleDocs on this subject <grin>. Right now I am on the testing of 2.0 activity locking for 1.8.2--Chris collman 09:48, 25 September 2007 (CDT)

Assignment - Read Only Personal Report Access for Students

Following text added by Stephen Digby:

  • Use to provide access to secure personalised student information such as reports. (Needs to be moved to a seperate page - How ??)
  • Using "Upload a single file" Assignment to provide individual report access for students:
  • Create report files commencing with the moodle user code (easier to create correct "batch" command file with code at start of filename)
  • Create pdf files from all reports (pdf's with the right security settings reduce the likelihood of tampering with final reports cf. other editable files)
  • Open moodle database table mdl_user and copy the fields id and username to a spreadsheet file for manipulation e.g.
    • 2 admin
    • 3 tsp80902
    • 4 che
  • Use a spreadsheet formula to construct the correct command lines to create a folder with the moodle id and move the file starting with the matching username into the new folder:
    • e.g. for Excel in a Windows environment use : ="mkdir"&A2&"CarraigeReturn"&"move "&B2&"_2006_MidSem2.pdf "&A2
    • mkdir2CarraigeReturnmove admin_2006_MidSem2.pdf 2
    • mkdir3CarraigeReturnmove tsp80902_2006_MidSem2.pdf 3
    • mkdir4CarraigeReturnmove che_2006_MidSem2.pdf 4
  • Use an editor to replace the "CarraigeReturn" marker with a real carraige return, and insert a space after the "mkdir" command:
    • mkdir 2
    • move admin_2006_MidSem2.pdf 2
    • mkdir 3
    • move tsp80902_2006_MidSem2.pdf 3
    • mkdir 4
    • move che_2006_MidSem2.pdf 4
  • Go to the course where you want to add the documents and note the course id from the URL displayed in the browser:
  • Create an "Upload a single file" Assignment in moodle
  • Upload an marker file for yourself as a test.
  • Update the assignment witht the "available" and "due" dates in the past (so students cannot upload their own amended report !) and check the "Prevent Late Submissions" box.
  • Use a file explorer to go to the moodledata folder and look for this course, then open moddate (module data) and open the last assignment. You should see a folder created with your id that should contain the marker file that you uploaded.
  • Paste all the files that you want to allow studenst to access in the assignment folder:
    • e.g. \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\112
  • Paste the batch file in the dame folder
  • Add a line at the start of the batch file to make it start in the correct physical network folder when it starts making new folders: e.g.
    • net use /d R:
    • net use R: \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\125
    • cd /d R:\
  • the final batch command file should look like:
    • net use /d R:
    • net use R: \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\125
    • cd /d R:\
    • mkdir 9
    • move bou0010_2006_MidSem2.pdf 9
    • mkdir 10
    • move wol0002_2006_MidSem2.pdf 10
    • mkdir 11
    • etc.....
  • Run the batch file, and the folders will be created as if the students had uploaded their own reports themselves.
  • Open moodle database table mdl_assignment_submissions and copy the database record of your marker file as a template.
    • e.g id=11823; assignment=125 userid = 6; timecreated = 1157503128 ; timemodified = 1157503128 ; numfiles=1 data1=(blank) data2=(blank) grade=-1 comment=(blank) format=0; teacher=0; timemarked=0; mailed=0
  • Paste the record into a spreadsheet and then paste the list of moodle id's under the userid field; increment the mdl_assignmnet id by one for every user; fill down the same assignment number and all other fields: e.g.
    • 11823 125 6 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11824 125 2 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11825 125 3 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11826 125 4 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11827 125 5 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11828 125 6 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
  • These records ensure that the database "knows" that there are documents already submitted into the assignment so that students can read but not change the document.