Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 1.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Assignment module.

Talk:Assignment module: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
(Note for Helen and others)
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==Assignment, Workshop and Exercise -- oh my!==
==Assignment, Workshop and Exercise -- oh my!==
FYI: In (currently 1.8.2),  Exercise is listed in the site administration block, under Modules.  In my MoodleSpeak, that makes it a standard module <grin>. I gather this was not always the case and may not be the case in other versions <big grin>, so what is a confuzzled to do?  You will also note that I have requested the community to help me explain the difference in the 3 modules.  That will be fun.  As always, Thanks for all your efforts and watching over things. --[[User:chris collman|chris collman]] 10:12, 23 September 2007 (CDT)   
FYI: In (currently 1.8.2),  Exercise is listed in the site administration block, under Modules.  In my MoodleSpeak, that makes it a standard module <nowiki><grin></nowiki>. I gather this was not always the case and may not be the case in other versions <nowiki><bigger grin></nowiki>, so what is a confuzzled to do?  You will also note that I have requested the community to help me explain the difference in the 3 modules.  That will be fun.  As always, Thanks for all your efforts and watching over things. --[[User:chris collman|chris collman]] 10:12, 23 September 2007 (CDT)   

Revision as of 15:14, 23 September 2007

Assignment, Workshop and Exercise -- oh my!

FYI: In (currently 1.8.2), Exercise is listed in the site administration block, under Modules. In my MoodleSpeak, that makes it a standard module <grin>. I gather this was not always the case and may not be the case in other versions <bigger grin>, so what is a confuzzled to do? You will also note that I have requested the community to help me explain the difference in the 3 modules. That will be fun. As always, Thanks for all your efforts and watching over things. --Chris collman 10:12, 23 September 2007 (CDT)

Text added by Stephen Digby:

Assignment - Read Only Personal Report Access for Students

  • Use to provide access to secure personalised student information such as reports. (Needs to be moved to a seperate page - How ??)
  • Using "Upload a single file" Assignment to provide individual report access for students:
  • Create report files commencing with the moodle user code (easier to create correct "batch" command file with code at start of filename)
  • Create pdf files from all reports (pdf's with the right security settings reduce the likelihood of tampering with final reports cf. other editable files)
  • Open moodle database table mdl_user and copy the fields id and username to a spreadsheet file for manipulation e.g.
    • 2 admin
    • 3 tsp80902
    • 4 che
  • Use a spreadsheet formula to construct the correct command lines to create a folder with the moodle id and move the file starting with the matching username into the new folder:
    • e.g. for Excel in a Windows environment use : ="mkdir"&A2&"CarraigeReturn"&"move "&B2&"_2006_MidSem2.pdf "&A2
    • mkdir2CarraigeReturnmove admin_2006_MidSem2.pdf 2
    • mkdir3CarraigeReturnmove tsp80902_2006_MidSem2.pdf 3
    • mkdir4CarraigeReturnmove che_2006_MidSem2.pdf 4
  • Use an editor to replace the "CarraigeReturn" marker with a real carraige return, and insert a space after the "mkdir" command:
    • mkdir 2
    • move admin_2006_MidSem2.pdf 2
    • mkdir 3
    • move tsp80902_2006_MidSem2.pdf 3
    • mkdir 4
    • move che_2006_MidSem2.pdf 4
  • Go to the course where you want to add the documents and note the course id from the URL displayed in the browser:
  • Create an "Upload a single file" Assignment in moodle
  • Upload an marker file for yourself as a test.
  • Update the assignment witht the "available" and "due" dates in the past (so students cannot upload their own amended report !) and check the "Prevent Late Submissions" box.
  • Use a file explorer to go to the moodledata folder and look for this course, then open moddate (module data) and open the last assignment. You should see a folder created with your id that should contain the marker file that you uploaded.
  • Paste all the files that you want to allow studenst to access in the assignment folder:
    • e.g. \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\112
  • Paste the batch file in the dame folder
  • Add a line at the start of the batch file to make it start in the correct physical network folder when it starts making new folders: e.g.
    • net use /d R:
    • net use R: \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\125
    • cd /d R:\
  • the final batch command file should look like:
    • net use /d R:
    • net use R: \\infonet\c$\Webstore\moodledata\5\moddata\assignment\125
    • cd /d R:\
    • mkdir 9
    • move bou0010_2006_MidSem2.pdf 9
    • mkdir 10
    • move wol0002_2006_MidSem2.pdf 10
    • mkdir 11
    • etc.....
  • Run the batch file, and the folders will be created as if the students had uploaded their own reports themselves.
  • Open moodle database table mdl_assignment_submissions and copy the database record of your marker file as a template.
    • e.g id=11823; assignment=125 userid = 6; timecreated = 1157503128 ; timemodified = 1157503128 ; numfiles=1 data1=(blank) data2=(blank) grade=-1 comment=(blank) format=0; teacher=0; timemarked=0; mailed=0
  • Paste the record into a spreadsheet and then paste the list of moodle id's under the userid field; increment the mdl_assignmnet id by one for every user; fill down the same assignment number and all other fields: e.g.
    • 11823 125 6 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11824 125 2 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11825 125 3 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11826 125 4 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11827 125 5 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
    • 11828 125 6 1157503128 1157503128 1 -1 0 0 0 0
  • These records ensure that the database "knows" that there are documents already submitted into the assignment so that students can read but not change the document.