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Acceptance testing/Migrating from Behat 2.5 to 3.x in Moodle

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Migrating from Behat 2.5 to 3.x in Moodle

Behat 3 brings a lot of extensibility and modularity for the price of backward compatibility break. This guide describes several issues you might face when updating your plugin acceptance test to the latest Moodle 3.1@dev version.

Running test

1. $CFG->behat_config
structure of $CFG->behat_config has been modified and you should now use

$CFG->behat_config = array(

  'phantomjs' => array(
     'suites' => array (
         'default' => array(
             'filters' => array(
                'tags' => '~@_file_upload&&~@_alert&&~@_bug_phantomjs'
      'extensions' => array(
           'Behat\MinkExtension' => array(
                 'selenium2' => array(
                     'browser' => 'phantomjs',
                     'wd_host' => ""


2. $CFG->behat_profiles
This config variable has been introduced to avoid any breakage in future. This is simple to use and will get preference over $CFG->behat_config value to set profile values. All the values are optional, similar to $CFG->behat_config.

$CFG->behat_profiles = array(

  'phantomjs' => array(
      'browser' => 'phantomjs',
      'tags' => '~@_file_upload&&~@_alert&&~@_bug_phantomjs',
      'wd_host' => '',
      'capabilities' => array(
          'platform' => 'Linux',
          'version' => 2.1


3. Formats and Outputs
html and failed outputs are not maintained by behat. We are planning to include BehatHTMLFormatter plugin maintained by Neal Vanmeert and write our custom failed formatter. Changes required to use formatter and outputs are
1. Single option per formatter: Multiple formats should be sent as separate options with respective output option
    vendor/bin/behat --config /PATH/FOR/BEHAT_DATAROOT/behat/behat.yml --format=moodle_progress --out=/PATH/TO/SAVE/progress.txt --format=moodle_screenshot --out=/PATH/TO/SAVE/SCREENSHOT_DIR
2. Terminal output is std: For output to terminal use std
     vendor/bin/behat --config /PATH/FOR/BEHAT_DATAROOT/behat/behat.yml --format=moodle_progress --out=std
3. Formatter can be used once: One formatter is supported for each run. Means if you want to output progress to file and terminal then it is not supported. You need to use 2 different formatter like moodle_progress and progress
     vendor/bin/behat --config /PATH/FOR/BEHAT_DATAROOT/behat/behat.yml --format=moodle_progress --out=std --format=progress --out=/PATH/TO/SAVE/progress.txt
4. Custom formatters: Following custom formatter are supported
1. moodle_progress: Prints Moodle branch information and dots for each step.
2. moodle_list: List all scenarios.
3. moodle_stepcount: List all features with total steps in each feature file. Used for parallel run.
4. moodle_screenshot: Take screenshot and core dump of each step. With following options you can dump either or both.
* --format-settings '{"formats": "image"}'**: will dump image only
* --format-settings '{"formats": "html"}'**: will dump html only.
* --format-settings '{"formats": "html,image"}'**: will dump both.
* --format-settings '{"formats": "html", "dir_permissions": "0777"}'**
4. Rerun option doesn't accept filepath
Rerun should be used without the filepath, as the failed scenarios are now cached by behat and rerun.

vendor/bin/behat --config /PATH/FOR/BEHAT_DATAROOT/behat/behat.yml
if [ "${exitcode}" -ne 0 ]; then
vendor/bin/behat --config /PATH/FOR/BEHAT_DATAROOT/behat/behat.yml --rerun

'Exit code for parallel run has improved': Exit code now contains pass/fail information of each run in every bit (starting from 0th bit). Example: If you have 3 parallel runs, out of which Run 1 and 3 failed. Then exit code will be 5 (0b0101). This will help to identify which runs need to be executed again for avoiding random failures.
If you want to use specific path where failed scenarios should be saved for rerun then you can set the following config:

$CFG->behat_config= array(

   'default' => array(
       'testers' => array(
           'rerun_cache' => '/home/rajesh/Desktop/rerun'


5. Failed output is different
Failed output display step and line in file where it failed and not the scenario line number.

Changes required in context file

1. Custom chained steps support
Chained steps are not supported by Behat 3. We have added support for custom chained step via moodle-behat-extension, but planning to depreciate this in future. To make your context backward compatible you should replace chained steps with the api calls in your context. Example following chained steps steps

$steps = array(

           new Given('I click on "' . get_string('login') . '" "link" in the ".logininfo" "css_element"'),		
           new Given('I set the field "' . get_string('username') . '" to "' . $this->escape($username) . '"'),		
           new Given('I set the field "' . get_string('password') . '" to "'. $this->escape($username) . '"'),		
           new Given('I press "' . get_string('login') . '"')		

can be replaced with

$behatforms = behat_context_helper::get('behat_forms'); $behatforms->i_set_the_field_to('Username', $this->escape($username)); $behatforms->i_set_the_field_to('Password', $this->escape($username));

2. TableNode
Table Node class has changed and requires following modifications:
  1. TableNode constructor has changed, and it requires least empty array().
  2. addRow() api is deprecated, if you are modifying rows then save that in an array and create a new TableNode()

$rows = $options->getRows(); $newrows = array(); foreach ($rows as $k => $data) {

   $newrows[$k] = strtr($data, "äåö", "aao");

} $modifiedtable = = new TableNode($newrows);

3. Named selectors are depreciated
named selector is deprecated, you should either use named_exact or named_partial

$this->find('named_partial', array('link', get_string('hide')), $nohideexception, $activitynode);