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Blocks Advanced

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Revision as of 05:51, 5 April 2012 by Adrian Greeve (talk | contribs)


This is a continuation of the simpleHTML block example.

Adding forms

The next thing that we want to do is add a form to create a simpleHTML page.

We are going to create two pages - view.php and simplehtml_form.php All of our logic will be contained in view.php and simplehtml_form.php will just display the form elements.

Create a new file in the blocks/simplehtml directory called simplehtml_form.php. Add the following code: require_once("$CFG->libdir/formslib.php");

class simplehtml_form extends moodleform {

   function definition() {
       $mform =& $this->_form;
       $mform->addElement('header','displayinfo', get_string('textfields', 'block_simplehtml'));

} Now let's create view.php.

Create a new file in the blocks/simplehtml directory called view.php. In this file add the following code:


require_once('../../config.php'); require_once('simplehtml_form.php');

global $DB;

// Check for all required variables. $courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);

if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid))) {

   print_error('invalidcourse', 'block_simplehtml', $courseid);



$simplehtml = new simplehtml_form();

$simplehtml->display(); ?> Next we will add a link from our block to this page so that we can see what we have created.

In the get_content() method of our block_simplehtml class replace $this->content->footer = 'Footer here...'; with global $COURSE

// The other code.

$url = new moodle_url('blocks/simplehtml/view.php', array('blockid' => $this->instance->id, 'courseid' => $COURSE->id)); $this->content->footer = html_writer::link($url, get_string('addpage', 'block_simplehtml'));

Add a Header

If you visit the page now you will see a very basic non-themed form without any of the necessary navigational structure. Note that this happens because the form processing page, in this case view.php, is being accessed directly via the URL and not by being included in another page. This means that the necessary infrastructure must be added directly to the script. Add this by using the print_header function, but a few pieces of data are needed to build appropriate navigation. Make the following adjustments to view.php:

In the global declaration: global $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; After require_login($course); $PAGE->set_url('/blocks/simplehtml/view.php', array('id' => $courseid)); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('standard'); $PAGE->set_heading(get_string('edithtml', 'block_simplehtml')); One last lot of code to add. The following lines should be added after $simplehtml = new simplehtml_form(); echo $OUTPUT->header(); $simplehtml->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer();

Navigation breadcrumbs

To really make this look like it's a part of moodle we will add the navigation breadcrumbs to the header of our page.

Add the following after $courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT); $blockid = required_param('blockid', PARAM_INT);

// Next look for optional variables. $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); Then add the following after the header code $settingsnode = $PAGE->settingsnav->add(get_string('simplehtmlsettings', 'block_simplehtml')); $editurl = new moodle_url('/blocks/simplehtml/view.php', array('id' => $id, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'blockid' => $blockid)); $editnode = $settingsnode->add(get_string('editpage', 'block_simplehtml'), $editurl); $editnode->make_active(); Don't forget to include definitions for the new strings that you are creating, into block_simplehtml.php

Form State Control

Now to add some basic form state control: The first step is to setup the appropriate actions based on the form state, accounting for three scenarios:

  1. to display a form for the first time
  2. to process submitted form data
  3. the user has canceled the form submission

To implement these three scenarios adjust the code a bit. The existing form display and header code will be used as the first time display code, and an if statement added after instantiating the simplehtml_form object will handle the logic behind the application flow: if($simplehtml->is_cancelled()) {

   // Cancelled forms redirect to the course main page.
   $courseurl = new moodle_url('course/view.php', array('id' => $id));

} else if ($simplehtml->get_data()) {

   // We need to add code to appropriately act on and store the submitted data
   // but for now we will just redirect back to the course main page.
   $courseurl = new moodle_url('course/view.php', array('id' => $courseid));

} else {

   // form didn't validate or this is the first display
   $site = get_site();
   echo $OUTPUT->header();
   echo $OUTPUT->footer();

} Notice that the existing header and form display code have been moved into the third branch of the conditional. Also, there isn't any code to handle form processing. That code will be added shortly.

Final Steps

Reviewing the progress so far:

  1. simplehtml_form.php is created which defines the class used later to display our form.
  2. view.php is created which:
    • loads base moodle API and any necessary third party modules or non-base API files.
    • loads the necessary course object and globals.
    • performs necessary access control.
    • loads our form and branches execution appropriately based on our form state.

So the form class is defined and the form is displayed in a separate file. Adding elements to the form and finishing the processing of our form will wrap it up!

Add Form Elements

Currently there are no form elements which can submit data. Editing the form class definition in simplehtml_form.php will change that by adding a wide set of form elements to the form for demonstrative purposes only. This will give an example of how to add and process various form elements.

To add the link title text field and the displaytext HTML area to the form, paste the following text after the creation of the form object in the simplehtml_form.php file: // add group for text areas $mform->addElement('header','displayinfo', get_string('textfields', 'block_simplehtml'));

// add page titel element. $mform->addElement('text', 'pagetitle', get_string('pagetitle', 'block_simplehtml')); $mform->addRule('pagetitle', null, 'required', null, 'client');

// add display text field $mform->addElement('htmleditor', 'displaytext', get_string('displayedhtml', 'block_simplehtml')); $mform->setType('displaytexttext', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addRule('displaytext', null, 'required', null, 'client'); For full details on addElement() review the moodle documentation on addElement. Also review addRule() in moodle's documentation and the PEAR web site. PEAR is an included form processing library that moodle uses for form processing.

Now add additional form elements to simplehtml_form.php:

File Upload

Add the file field to the form after the existing elements: // add filename selection. $mform->addElement('filepicker', 'filename', get_string('file'), null, array('accpeted_types' => '*')); his field allows the user to choose a file in the course file directory. Notice that the name of the element in the form is the same name as the field in the database. This will make it easy to insert and update the database records later.

Fieldset Header

// add picture fields grouping $mform->addElement('header', 'picfield', get_string('picturefields', 'block_simplehtml'), null, false);

Yes/No Select

// add display picture yes / no option $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'displaypicture', get_string('displaypicture', 'block_simplehtml')); $mform->setDefault('displaypicture', 1);

Radio Select

To control the available options, create a function that will return the list of available options as an array keyed by an integer. This is preferred for several reasons:

  • It keeps the database free from enum field types by providing data key by integers. This is database engine independent.
  • It makes it easy to add additional options at a later date by changing our function
  • It avoids the use of global variables.

Create a file lib.php and place the following code into it which will define the image options via radio select. function block_simplehtml_images() {

   global $CFG;
   return array(html_writer::tag('img', , array('alt' => get_string('red', 'block_simplehtml'), 'src' => "pix/picture0.gif")),
               html_writer::tag('img', , array('alt' => get_string('blue', 'block_simplehtml'), 'src' => "pix/picture1.gif")),
               html_writer::tag('img', , array('alt' => get_string('green', 'block_simplehtml'), 'src' => "pix/picture2.gif")));
