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Questiontype class: Difference between revisions

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==function set_default_options(&$question)==
    * @param $question
    function set_default_options(&$question) {
==function save_question($question, $form, $course)==
==function save_question($question, $form, $course)==

Latest revision as of 01:43, 9 September 2008

The actual (before moving to activity module) question type class.

The definitions will be put here and the code in the various supplementary page see menu Questiontype class

first draw Pierre Pichet 10:53, 17 March 2007 (CDT)

The proposed modifications could be indicated here so they could be discussed before CVS... /**

  • The default questiontype class.
  • @version $Id: questiontype.php,v 1.45 2007/03/06 18:00:26 tjhunt Exp $
  • @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been completely
  • rewritten by Alex Smith, Julian Sedding and Gustav Delius as part of
  • the Serving Mathematics project
  • {@link}
  • @license GNU Public License
  • @package quiz
  • //** */

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php');

class default_questiontype {


* This is the base class for Moodle question types.
* There are detailed comments on each method, explaining what the method is
* for, and the circumstances under which you might need to override it.
* Note: the questiontype API should NOT be considered stable yet. Very few
* question tyeps have been produced yet, so we do not yet know all the places
* where the current API is insufficient. I would rather learn from the
* experiences of the first few question type implementors, and improve the
* interface to meet their needs, rather the freeze the API prematurely and
* condem everyone to working round a clunky interface for ever afterwards.
 class default_questiontype {

function name()

    * Name of the question type
    * The name returned should coincide with the name of the directory
    * in which this questiontype is located
    * @return string the name of this question type.
   function name() {
       return 'default';

function menu_name

    * The name this question should appear as in the create new question
    * dropdown.
    * @return mixed the desired string, or false to hide this question type in the menu.
   function menu_name() {
       $name = $this->name();
       return $menu_name;

function is_manual_graded()

    * @return boolean true if this question can only be graded manually.
   function is_manual_graded() {
       return false;

function is_usable_by_random()

    * @return boolean true if this question type can be used by the random question type.
   function is_usable_by_random() {
       return true;

function create_editing_form($submiturl, $question)

    * Return an instance of the question editing form definition. This looks for a
    * class called edit_{$this->name()}_question_form in the file
    * {$CFG->docroot}/question/type/{$this->name()}/edit_{$this->name()}_question_form.php
    * and if it exists returns an instance of it.
    * @param string $submiturl passed on to the constructor call.
    * @return object an instance of the form definition, or null if one could not be found.
   function create_editing_form($submiturl, $question) {
       global $CFG;
       return new $classname($submiturl, $question);

function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow)

    * This method should be overriden if you want to include a special heading or some other
    * html on a question editing page besides the question editing form.
    * @param question_edit_form $mform a child of question_edit_form
    * @param object $question
    * @param string $wizardnow is  for first page.
   function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow){
       print_heading_with_help(get_string("editing".$question->qtype, "quiz"), $question->qtype, "quiz");

function save_question($question, $form, $course)

   * Saves or updates a question after editing by a teacher
   * Given some question info and some data about the answers
   * this function parses, organises and saves the question
   * It is used by {@link question.php} when saving new data from
   * a form, and also by {@link import.php} when importing questions
   * This function in turn calls {@link save_question_options}
   * to save question-type specific options
   * @param object $question the question object which should be updated
   * @param object $form the form submitted by the teacher
   * @param object $course the course we are in
   * @return object On success, return the new question object. On failure,
   *       return an object as follows. If the error object has an errors field,
   *       display that as an error message. Otherwise, the editing form will be
   *       redisplayed with validation errors, from validation_errors field, which
   *       is itself an object, shown next to the form fields.
   function save_question($question, $form, $course) {
       // This default implementation is suitable for most

       return $question;

function save_question_options($question)

   * Saves question-type specific options
   * This is called by {@link save_question()} to save the question-type specific data
   * @return object $result->error or $result->noticeyesno or $result->notice
   * @param object $question  This holds the information from the editing form,
   *                          it is not a standard question object.
   function save_question_options($question) {
       return null;

function replace_question_in_attempts($oldquestionid, $newquestion, $attemtps)

   * Changes all states for the given attempts over to a new question
   * This is used by the versioning code if the teacher requests that a question
   * gets replaced by the new version. In order for the attempts to be regraded
   * properly all data in the states referring to the old question need to be
   * changed to refer to the new version instead. In particular for question types
   * that use the answers table the answers belonging to the old question have to
   * be changed to those belonging to the new version.
   * @param integer $oldquestionid  The id of the old question
   * @param object $newquestion    The new question
   * @param array  $attempts       An array of all attempt objects in whose states
   *                               replacement should take place
   function replace_question_in_attempts($oldquestionid, $newquestion, $attemtps) {
       echo 'Not yet implemented';

function get_question_options(&$question)

   * Loads the question type specific options for the question.
   * This function loads any question type specific options for the
   * question from the database into the question object. This information
   * is placed in the $question->options field. A question type is
   * free, however, to decide on a internal structure of the options field.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question object for the question. This object
   *                         should be updated to include the question type
   *                         specific information (it is passed by reference).
   function get_question_options(&$question) {
       if (!isset($question->options)) {
           $question->options = new object;
       // The default implementation attaches all answers for this question
       $question->options->answers = get_records('question_answers', 'question', $question->id, 'id ASC');
       return true;

function delete_states($stateslist)

   * Deletes states from the question-type specific tables
   * @param string $stateslist  Comma separated list of state ids to be deleted
   function delete_states($stateslist) {
       /// The default question type does not have any tables of its own
       // therefore there is nothing to delete
       return true;

function delete_question($questionid)

   * Deletes a question from the question-type specific tables
   * @return boolean Success/Failure
   * @param object $question  The question being deleted
   function delete_question($questionid) {
       /// The default question type does not have any tables of its own
       // therefore there is nothing to delete
       return true;

function actual_number_of_questions($question)

   * Returns the number of question numbers which are used by the question
   * This function returns the number of question numbers to be assigned
   * to the question. Most question types will have length one; they will be
   * assigned one number. The 'description' type, however does not use up a
   * number and so has a length of zero. Other question types may wish to
   * handle a bundle of questions and hence return a number greater than one.
   * @return integer         The number of question numbers which should be
   *                         assigned to the question.
   * @param object $question The question whose length is to be determined.
   *                         Question type specific information is included.
   function actual_number_of_questions($question) {
       // By default, each question is given one number
       return 1;

function create_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $attempt)

   * Creates empty session and response information for the question
   * This function is called to start a question session. Empty question type
   * specific session data (if any) and empty response data will be added to the
   * state object. Session data is any data which must persist throughout the
   * attempt possibly with updates as the user interacts with the
   * question. This function does NOT create new entries in the database for
   * the session; a call to the {@link save_session_and_responses} member will
   * occur to do this.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question for which the session is to be
   *                         created. Question type specific information is
   *                         included.
   * @param object $state    The state to create the session for. Note that
   *                         this will not have been saved in the database so
   *                         there will be no id. This object will be updated
   *                         to include the question type specific information
   *                         (it is passed by reference). In particular, empty
   *                         responses will be created in the ->responses
   *                         field.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $attempt  The attempt for which the session is to be
   *                         started. Questions may wish to initialize the
   *                         session in different ways depending on the user id
   *                         or time available for the attempt.
   function create_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $attempt) {
       // The default implementation should work for the legacy question types.
       // Most question types with only a single form field for the student's response
       // will use the empty string  as the index for that one response. This will
       // automatically be stored in and restored from the answer field in the
       // question_states table.
       $state->responses = array(
                => ,
       return true;

/// BACKUP FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////

    * Backup the data in the question
    * This is used in question/backuplib.php
   function backup($bf,$preferences,$question,$level=6) {
       // The default type has nothing to back up
       return true;

/// RESTORE FUNCTIONS /////////////////

    * Restores the data in the question
    * This is used in question/restorelib.php
   function restore($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
       // The default question type has nothing to restore
       return true;
   function restore_map($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
       // There is nothing to decode
       return true;
   function restore_recode_answer($state, $restore) {
       // There is nothing to decode
       return $state->answer;
   //This function restores the question_rqp_states
   function restore_state($state_id,$info,$restore) {
       // The default question type does not keep its own state information
       return true;