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Javascript/Coding Style: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
(Avoid use of first person; Remove subjective statements, stick to facts.)
(Added coding style category)
Line 437: Line 437:
* [[Coding]]
* [[Coding]]
* [[Coding_style|Coding style]]
* [[Coding_style|Coding style]]
[[Category:Coding guidelines]]

Revision as of 07:25, 9 April 2014

The Moodle JavaScript coding style


This document outlines the exceptions to the general Moodle Coding style which apply to JavaScript.

Unless otherwise specified, developers should follow the general coding style for advice on coding style.


Consistent coding style is important in any development project, and particularly when many developers are involved. A standard style helps to ensure that the code is easier to read and understand, which helps overall quality.

Abstract goals we strive for:

  • simplicity
  • readability
  • tool friendliness

Naming conventions

Variable and function naming

Contrary to the standard Moodle coding style, camelCase should be used to name variables and functions in JavaScript.


var currentY,


function doSomething() {

   // Do stuff here.


function doSomethingElse() {

   // Do stuff here.


var someFunction = function() {

   // Do stuff here.



var current_y,


function dosomething() { }

function do_something_else() { }

var somefunction = function() { };

var some_other_function = function() { };

var somevalue = null;

if (someTest) {

   somevalue = function() {
       return (something && complicated || somethingelse);

} else {

   somevalue = 'basicvalue';


Class naming

Classes should be named using CamelCase starting with an uppercase letter.

This helps to clearly separate variables, and standard functions from those used to create a new instance.


// The instantiator: function Pantry() {

   // Setup code goes here.


// Making use of it: var myPantry = new Pantry();

// And another: function PantryShelf() { }

var myPantryShelf = new PantryShelf();


// There is no distinction here between a normal function, and one used to // create a new object: function pantry() { }

// This results in an unclear object creation: var myPantry = new pantry();

// This one is also incorrect, despite using camelCase: function pantryShelf() { } var myPantryShelf = new pantryShelf();

// This one is also incorrect: function pantry_shelf() { } var myPantryShelf = new pantry_shelf();


Variables intended to be constants should use the same naming style of ALL UPPERCASE.

Constants are recommended for use in the following scenarios:

  • CSS: An object containing any CSS classes you may wish to use with Nodes; and
  • SELECTORS: An object containing query selectors for selecting Nodes.

Generally, the keys under this object should also be capitalised.


var CSS = {

       MYCLASS: 'myclass',
       YOURCLASS: 'yourclass'
       MYNODES: 'div.example .myclass',
       YOURNODES: 'div.example .yourclass'

function anExampleFunction() {

   theNode =



All variables must:

  • be declared before they are used and using the var keyword;
  • be declared once, and only once, for the scope in which they are used;
  • only be declared if they are to be used; and
  • use sensible naming, following the naming convention.

Method call wrapping

When wrapping a long line which consists of a chained series of functions, break the line at the end of each function, and continue the next chain on a new line.

The line should be indented by spaces.

The start of each line should contain the concatanation character, and the final line should contain a trailing semicolon.


var childNode = Y.Node.create('

       .setAttribute('someAttribute', 'someValue')


// All on one line:

var childNode = Y.Node.create('
').addClass(CSS.SOMECLASS).setAttribute('someAttribute', 'someValue').appendTo(parentNode);

// A mix of separation and line concatanation:

var childNode = Y.Node.create('
       .setAttribute('someAttribute', 'someValue').appendTo(parentNode);

// The concatanation character is at the end of the line:

var childNode = Y.Node.create('
       setAttribute('someAttribute', 'someValue').



There should be a space at either side of all binary operators to help improve legibility of code. This includes:

  • =
  • &&
  • ||
  • ===
  • +
  • -
  • /
  • *

There should be no space around unary operators. This includes:

  • !
  • ++
  • --

There should be no space around the function operator (.)


// Valid binary operators: var a = 1,

   b = (a && 1),
   c = (b || 1),
   d = (b === c),
e = Y.Node.create('
Some Content

// No space around the . operator when it's not a continuation: e.someFunctionCall();

// Whitespace is allowed for a function operator when it is a continuation starting on a new line: e.someFunction()


// Unary operators should not be separated by whitespace: a = a++; b = b--; c = (!e.someResult());

// An example bringing most of these together: var index,

   loopTest = 0;

for (index = 0; (!loopTest <= (a / b * (c + d - e.getValue()))); index++) {

   loopTest = index * 12;



var a=1,

   b= (a&&1),
   c =(b||1),
   d = (b===c);

a = a ++; b =b++; c= c++; d = d++ ;

var e = Y . Node . create('
Some content

for ( index = 0;index<a; index ++ ) { }


In the case of object property assignment, there should be a space after the colon, but not before.


var anObject = {

       someKey: 'someValue',


var anObject = {

       // Incorrect because a space is present both before and after the assignation character:
       someKey : 'someValue',
       // Incorrect because there is no whitespace either side of the assignation character:

Documentation and comments

Modules should be documented using the standard YUI guidance:

General notes

  • Unless otherwise specified, comments should conform to the general style guidelines;
  • all comments must start with leading whitespace before the first word on each line; and
  • all indentation must be in addition to any existing leading whitespace on the line.

Official documentation

All JavaScript documentation must:

  • use the correct docblock format;
  • use the correct JavaScript types where relevant (note, Int is not a valid type in JavaScript);
  • use all appropriate tags;
  • produce valid documentation using the YUIDoc toolset;
  • have a linebreak between the description and the list of tags.


YUIDoc will only generate documentation for docblocks starting with /**.

YUIDoc will try to generate documentation for *all* docblocks starting /**.



* This docblock describes a YUI module.
* @module moodle-mod_food-marmite


* This docblock describes the marmite class within the
* moodle-mod_food-marmite module.
* @class Marmite


* This is an example docblock comment. It describes a function called
* marmite.
* It adds a number of jars of marmite to the cupboard.
* @method addMarmite
* @param {Number} [jarCount=1] The number of jars of marmite to add to the
* cupboard. This parameter is optional and defaults to 1.
* @chainable


* This docblock describes the property weight, in grams.
* @property weight
* @type {Number}
* @default '500'


* This docblock describes an attribute.
* @attribute weight
* @type {Number}
* @default '500'



* This is an invalid comment block. It wouldn't be picked up by yuidoc as
* the comment style is incorrect.
* @method foo

// This is also an invalid comment block and wouldn't be picked up by // YUIDoc.


  • Although this style would be picked up by YUIDoc, it is hard to read.
  • @method foo
  • /


*Although this style would be picked up by YUIDoc, it is also hard to read.
*@method foo


* This docblock is mostly valid but does not include a linebreak between
* the description, and the tags.
* @method foo

General comments

All shorter comments, for example those explaining the subsequent few lines of code should use the // style of comments.

Comments not intended for official documentation must *not* use the Docblock style of commenting as YUIDoc will attempt to include the comment in official documentation.


// This is a valid set of comments for one line.

// And this is a valid longer comment to describe the subsequent few lines // in as much detail as required. It can consist of multiple sentences, as // long as each new line starts with the correct comment style.


/* This is an invalid comment style for short comments. */

//This is also an invalid style as there is no leading whitespace after the //comment indicator.


* This is an invalid multi-line comment. Multi-line comments should not
* use the docblock style comments unless they are a valid and fully
* formatted docblock.


* This is an also invalid multi-line comment. Although it is not a full
* docblock style, it does not start with the // style of comment
* indicator.

See Also