Каково определение...

определяет статус пользователя в некотором контексте. Например, преподаватель, ученик, модератор и т.д.
описание одной характерной функции конкретного элемента системы. Например, Курс:Создать, Задание:Просмотр, Форум:Управление подпиской. Для каждого элемента системы определены достаточно много возможностей.
значение, установленное определенной возможности для определенной роли. Например, разрешить или запретить.
некоторое пространство системы Moodle. Например, курс, деятельностный элемент, блок.

Почему изменение роли не дало эффекта?

Изменения роли даст эффект только после следующего входа соответствующего пользователя. Информация о тестировании новых ролей содержится в разделе Управление ролями.

Также не забудьте проверить контекст, в котором назначена роль. Некоторые возможности, например, такие как moodle/user:update могут быть применены только в контексте системы. Таким образом, назначение роли с подобной возможностью в контексте курса не даст никакого эффекта.

Почему во вновь созданном курсе автоматически появились участники?

If a user is assigned a global role or a role in the course category context then the user has this role in ALL courses in that context. Thus users who are students or teachers at the category level appear as course participants in all courses in that category.

Please check Administration > Users > Permissions > Assign global roles and also the Assign roles link in course categories page and unassign users as necessary.

Почему все ученики записаны во все курсы?


  • Users are assigned the role of student in the site/system context rather than the course context (see FAQ above)


  • The default role for all users in Administration > Users > Permissions > User policies is set to Student rather than Authenticated user (Moodle 1.8 onwards).

Почему списки участников курса и назначенных ролей различаются?

Users assigned roles in a higher context, for example users assigned the role of teacher in a course category context, may appear as course participants. The discussion Discrepancies between Assign Roles lists and Participants list contains a longer explanation.

Как я могу убрать администраторов из списка участников курса?

Ensure that administrators are not assigned another role in addition to their admin role.

Почему мне видны скрытые назначения?

Hidden assignments are not hidden from admins or teachers i.e. users with the viewhiddenassigns capability.

Каким образом наследуются права?

Permissions are inherited from a role assigned in a higher-level context which has permissions set to allow for particular capabilities. If permission is never allowed/not set in any context (in particular, if you are creating or editing a role at the site level), then a user will have no permission for that capability.

For example, the Student role has permission not set for the change site configuration capability. The permission is never allowed in any context so users assigned the role of Student cannot change the site configuration.

Какова иерархия прав?

This determines which permission wins or is going to be in effect if there is an apparent conflict. For example, the site allows all students the permission to to post in forums, but a teacher might prevent that right in a particular course. The hierarchy of permissions would allow a student to post in one course but not in another course.

Есть ли разница в системе ролей между Moodle 1.7 и 1.8?

In addition to many Roles fixes and refinements (see the list of Roles improvements in the Tracker), in Moodle 1.8 the system context is separated from the site context.

The site context in Moodle 1.8 is the "front page course" and its activities. Roles may be assigned in the site context via Administration > Front Page > Front Page roles.

A "Duplicate role" button has been added in Moodle 1.8, which makes creating new roles based on predefined roles much quicker.

Как я могу изменить название "учитель" в описании курса?


  • Edit the role of Teacher via Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles and rename it. The new name will apply site-wide.


  • Create a duplicate teacher role with an alternative name and assign users the duplicate teacher role as appropriate in the course context. In Administration > Appearance > Course manager select the alternative name for teacher that you wish to be displayed in the course description.


  • One more way to do it in 1.8 is to create new "dummy" roles (no capabilities) with those names and assign them to teachers along with the real roles. In the course manager settings you can choose which roles display on the front page under each course. (The feature request Ability to assign or display custom title for role of person in course contains a this further method.)

Moodle 1.9

From Moodle 1.9 onwards, names for different roles in a course may be changed in the course settings.

Как я могу разрешить учителям назначать роль учителя другим пользователям?

This is disabled by default but it can be switched on by modifying the teacher's role. At Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles select the "Allow role assignments" tab and tick the checkbox where Teacher and Teacher intersect.

Почему функция "Переключиться к роли.." не отображается для создателей курсов?

This feature is intended for Teachers assigned at the course level. Users assigned at "higher" contexts should not expect reliable results from this function.