

It doesn’t matter whether you love or hate the ubiquitous sheepskin boots beloved of all those Aussie sheepshearers out in the Outback. Ugg boots have got their foot firmly in fashion’s door.

The first UK Ugg store opened in the Westfield mega-mall, appropriately located in London’s Shepherd’s Bush, at the end of October, and has already drawn more than 100,000 visitors. The flagship in Covent Garden followed a month later, with a lavish opening party attended by the likes of Jodie Kidd, Tamzin Outhwaite, Martin Freeman, Mica Paris, Pearl Lowe and Madonna’s favourite jeweller, Stephen Webster.

One of the 『Ugg-oholics』 who was not at the opening party, however, was Rolling Stone, Ronnie Wood, who is rarely seen without a pair on his feet.

He loves them so much, his estranged wife Jo, bought him pairs in orange, green and yellow, to go with the many he already owns in cream and black. Apparently he even wears them on the beach. The words 『hot』, 『smelly』 and 『sandy』 spring to mind.

Quite why a fully paid-up member of the lucky-to-be-alive ageing rockers club would want to wear something that looks like pair of old lady’s slippers is baffling.

Yet Wood is not alone in his fondness for Uggs. Bruce Willis, Leonardo Di Caprio, Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, Ben Affleck, Peter O』Toole and Rhys Ifans are just some of the male stars and celebrities who have fallen in love with this fad for fluffy footwear. In fact, they are now almost as serious about them as the girls.

Kate Moss and Sienna Miller gave Uggs instant street-cred when they began wearing them in the early 2000s. The likes of Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Alba, Hilary Duff and Eva Longoria were quick to follow.

The craze spread, spawning thousands of cheaper imitations, from as little as £8, and even the deeply unfashionable Geri Halliwell was spotted in a pair. Earlier this year, a thief ram-raided a supermarket to get some cigarettes dressed only in a sheet and his girlfriend’s Uggboots. One could argue this was as much a serious fashion crime as anything else.

Social 『teen-angels』 like Alice Dellal, Peaches and Pixie Geldof and Daisy Lowe might prefer stompin』 biker boots and Kate Moss has moved on to wearing over-the-knee, 『principal boy』 boots over her skinny jeans.

But the genuine Uggs, despite a price-tag of at least £140, continues to be good, bad - and ugly, the word from whence its name derives.

Are you an Ugg-oholic? Let us know what you think of the Ugg boot...