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Cette page décrit le nouveau carnet de notes disponible depuis Moodle 1.9. Si vous utilisez une version plus ancienne, veuillez consulter Notes (avant 1.9).


Les concepts de notes et de carnet de notes ont été complètement repensés dans Moodle 1.9. Bien que ces termes soit utilisés dans les versions ultérieures, des différences importantes sont documentées ici afin d'éviter les erreurs.

Les deux idées centrales de la notation dans Moodle 1.9 sont les suivantes :

  1. Les notes sont des scores attribués aux participants d'un cours
  2. Le carnet de notes est un centre d'archivage de ces notes : Les modules y envoient leurs notes, mais le carnet de notes n'envoie rien aux modules.

Le carnet de notes est composé de 3 types d'éléments :

Pour résumer :

  • Une catégorie de notation regroupe des éléments de notation, et définie des paramètres qui font effet sur ces éléments
  • Un élément de notation contient les notes de chaque participant au cours pour une activité définie (pas nécessairement un module), et défini des paramètres faisant effet sur ces notes
  • Une note a des paramètres agissant sur sa présentation, ainsi que des fonctions pour verrouiller et cacher cette note.

Les notes peuvent être calculées, regroupées et présentées de plusieurs façons. Une grande flexibilité est offerte par les paramètres et options disponibles.

Certaines activités dans Moodle, telles que les devoirs, les forums et les tests peuvent attribuer des notes à leurs utilisateurs. Ces notes peuvent être des chiffres ou des mots ou phrases appartenant à des barèmes.

Grades can also be used as outcomes and as arbitrary text attributed to each participant in a course.

Grades pushed by modules

When activity modules produce grades, they use the gradebook public API to push (or send) their grades to the gradebook. These grades are then stored in database tables that are independent of the modules. The grades are still kept in the module database tables, and the gradebook will never access or modify these original grades.

The gradebook, however, provides administrators and teachers with tools for changing the ways in which grades are calculated, aggregated and displayed, as well as means to change the grades manually (a manual edit of a grade automatically locks the grade in the gradebook, so that the module which originally created the grade can no longer update that grade in the gradebook until the grade is unlocked).

Settings affecting grades

Being the smallest unit in the gradebook, the grade is affected by many settings at different levels. Here is a list of these levels, in hierarchical order:


Outcomes are specific descriptions of what a student is expected to be able to do or understand at the completion of an activity or course. An activity might have more than one outcome, and each may have a grade against it (usually on a scale).

Gradebook reports

The gradebook includes a variety of reports, available via the grades link in each course administration block:

Grades organisation

Teachers may organise grades into grade categories, import and/or export grades, and make grade calculations.

Symbols to represent ranges of grades may be set as grade letters.

Administrators may control the appearance of the gradebook site-wide by adjusting settings available via the grades link in the site administration block:

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An instance of an activity module (e.g. a single quiz, assignment etc...)
A formula used to calculate grades, based (optionally) on other grade items. Not the same as Calculated question types.
A set of grade items. A category also has its own aggregated grade which is calculated from its grade items. There is no limit to the level of nesting of categories (a category may belong to another category). However, each grade item may belong to only one category.
Course completion
The concept of meeting certain criteria for completing a course. In the context of the gradebook, this means a set of grades that must be reached, or a number of outcomes/competencies to complete/master.
A Grade is a single assessment. It may be a number or an item on a scale (possibly tied to an outcome). Raw grade value is the numerical or scale grade from activity. Final grade is the grade reported in gradebook.
Rapport de l'évaluateur
A central location in Moodle where students' grades are stored and displayed. Teachers can keep track of their students' progress and organise which set of grades their students will be able to see. Students see their own grades.
Grade item
A "column" of grades. It can be created from a specific activity, calculated from other grade items, or entered manually.
Grade locks
Both whole columns and individual grades can be locked in the gradebook, via the "locked" field. Teachers may want to do this to prevent further changes from the modules, or from other teachers.
The gradebook has its own type of log, which keeps a history of all changes made to grades.
Outcomes are specific descriptions of what a person is expected to be able to do or understand at the completion of an activity or course. An activity might have more than one outcome, and each may have a grade against it (usually on a scale). Other terms for Outcomes are Competencies and Goals. See some outcome examples.
A scale is a set of responses from which the teacher can choose one. e.g. Very cool, Cool, Fairly cool, Not very cool, Not cool
Notes lettres
Special representation of grade values similar to scales. Letters are configured in course contexts or above and are defined by lower boundary. e.g. A (above 90 %), B (above 80 %), C (above 70 %), D (above 50 %), F (above 0 %)

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