Iragazkien ezarpenak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Kokapena: Gunearen kudeaketa > Itxura > Filter settings

Oharra: Moodle 1.9tik aurrera, Iragazkien ezarpen komunak ondoko estekan daude: Gunearen kudeaketa > Moduluak > Iragazkiak kudeatu.

Text cache lifetime

Text filters can take a lot of processor power to analyze. If you have a large number of courses, the filters may slow your system. The text cache lifetime determines how often the filters run. If you set them to run too frequently, your system may slow down. If you set them to run too infrequently, analyzing new content will take too long and users will notice. You should experiment to find the correct amount of time for your server.

Filter uploaded files

This setting enables uploaded files (HTML and text only) to be processed by the filters system. You can choose to have none, only HTML or all files filtered.

Filter match once per page

This setting effects the glossary, activity and resource linking filters. If set to yes, only the first match on the complete page will be converted to a link. All others will be ignored.

Filter match once per text

This setting effects the glossary, activity and resource linking filters. If set to yes, only the first match in a discrete block of text will be converted to a link. All others in that text block will be ignored.

Filter all strings

If checked, headings and titles can be displayed in different languages using the eduki eleanitzak erabilita.

Note: Settings links for particular filters can be found in Kudeaketa> Moduluak > Iragazkiak.

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