Bisitari-rola: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi:nabigazioa, bilatu
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* [[Foroak|Foroetako]] eztabaidetera mezurik bidali
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* [[Txat modulua|Txatean]] parte hartu
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* [[Galdetegiak|Galdetegiei]] erantzun
* [[Galdetegiak|Galdetegiei]] erantzun
* [[Zereginak]] bidali
* [[Zereginak]] bidali

Noizko berrikusketa: 16:59, 9 Martxoa 2010

Oharra: Itzuli gabekoak. Anima zaitezte eta ekin!.     (itzuli gabeko beste orri batzuk)

Bisitarien sarbidea

Moodle-k badu berez "Bisitarien kontua". Jendeak bisitari gisa sartu ahal du sarrerako pantailan "Bisitari gisa sartu" botoiari sakatuta. (Kudeatzaileak gaitu edo ezgaitu dezake botoi hau.)

Ikastaro jakin batean, irakasleak erabakitzen du bisitariei sartzen utzi ala ez.

Bisitariek "irakurri bakarrik" sarrera dute BETI - honek esan nahi du ezin dutela mezurik bidali edo benetako ikaslei ikastaroan oztoporik sortu.

Ezin dute:

  • Foroetako eztabaidetera mezurik bidali
  • Wiki orriak editatu
  • Txatean parte hartu
  • Galdetegiei erantzun
  • Zereginak bidali
  • Glosategien eduki eta iruzkinetan parte hartu
  • SCORM paketeen edukia ikusi (jarraipena egiten delako)
  • Hainbat puntuazio edo kalifikazio jaso (irakurtzeko bakarrik sarbidea dela-eta)

Ezaugarri hau erraz kudeatzen da lankide batek zure lanari begira bat egitea nahi duzunean, edota ikaslegaiei matrikulatu aurretik ikastaroa ikusten uzteko.

Kontuan izan bi era daudela bisitarien sarrerarako: partaide-giltzarekin edo gabe. Partaide giltza duten bisitariei sartzen uztea erabakitzen baduzu, bisitariak giltza eman beharko du sartzen den BAKOITZEAN (ez ikasleek bezala, hauek behin baino ez dute eman behar). Honek bisitariak kontrolatzen utziko dizu. Bisitariei giltzarik gabe sartzen uztea erabakitzen baduzu, berriz, edonor sartu ahal izango da zure ikastaroan.

Note that you have a choice between two types of guest access: with an enrolment key or without. If you choose to allow guests who have the key, then the guest will need to provide the current enrolment key EVERY TIME they log in (unlike students who only need to do it once). This lets you restrict which guests can get into a course. If you choose to allow guests to enter without a key, then anyone can get into your course.

If you want guests to be able to take quizzes, or any of the other activities listed above, and have considered the security implications, you can create a visitor account, say with username = password = visitor, for everyone to share.

Enabling guest access

To enable guest access to a Moodle site, the guest login button should be set to "show" by an admin in Administration > Users > Authentication.

Teachers can then set whether their courses allow guest access in the course settings.

To allow visitors to be logged in as guests automatically when entering courses with guest access, the autologinguests box should be checked by an admin in Administration > Users > Permissions > User policies.

Disabling guest access

Guest access for visitors can be disabled by hiding the guest login button. In the site administration block go to Users > Authentication > Manage Authentication and scroll down to the Guest Login Button pulldown menu.

TIP: Generally speaking, if any courses allow guest access then there will be no way for a visitor to log into the site and thus they will not be able to see these courses.


Inoiz agian nahi izango duzu jendeak konpromiso interaktiboagoa izatea aldez aurretik matrikulatu behar izan gabe. Horrelakoetan, "auto-matrikula" ezarpena gaitu ahal duzu zure ikastarorako. Honek zure Moodle zerbitzarian erabiltzaile-kontua duen edonori ikastaroan ikasle izateko aukera ematen dio. Bisitarien sarrera bezalaxe, partaide-giltza erabil dezakezu aukera hori giltza duten erabiltzaileei bakarrik emateko.

Sometimes you may wish to allow people to have a more interactive engagement with a course without you having to enrol them in advance. In this case you can enable "self-enrolment" for your course. This allows anyone with a user account on your Moodle server to become a student on your course. As with guest access, you can use the enrolment key to limit this only to people to whom you have given the key.

Skip login page by URL

When you want get URL for external peoples to view You moodle pages witch allowed guest access, you can add to one simple URL parameter username=guest to skip login page and automatically login this users as Guests.

For example, this URL will be ask user to login before display Welcome page of the "Using Moodle" cource:

But this URL make visitor logged in as Guest and display required page immediately:

Note: if user try to go to login directly from page, opened by this URL, he can't do it because login page will be return him to that URL back and relogin to Guest again. It can be frustrating, and because this, use this method only in links for really external visitors.

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: