31/Nuevo para profesores

De MoodleDocs
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Moodle 3.1

¡Nueva característica
en Moodle 3.1!

Nota: Urgente de Traducir. ¡ Anímese a traducir esta muy importante página !.     ( y otras páginas muy importantes que urge traducir)

Si Usted es un profesor en Moodle, entonces esta página le dirá acerca de los principales cambios que le afectan en Moodle 3.1

Assessing and progress tracking

With Competency based education, you can link competencies to a learning plan and review students' progress towards specific achievements.

Competencies/Learning plan

Assignment grading

Grade assignments more efficiently with everything on one screen and the ability (if enabled by admin) to annotate any uploaded file type.

The new assignment grading screen

Course editing

Section titles can now be changed directly from the course page:

Edit titles inline

Course management

Easily retrieve deleted content A new Recycle bin available in the course administration block once an item has been deleted allows you to quickly restore that resource or activity.(It will also restore deleted courses for those with relevant permissions.)

Restore deleted content

Activity tagging: A new setting when adding activities and resources lets you tag them so they may be searched for by others in Site pages > Tags.

Tagging an activity

Search everywhere: If enabled by your administrator, the Global search feature lets you search courses you have access to, from a box next to the user menu or from the Global search block

Search the site

Search for and add multiple meta linked courses: If the Course meta link enrolment method is enabled for you, you can search for the course or courses you need and add them in one single step.

Search for and add meta linked courses


Forum improvements

It's now possible to make important forum posts 'sticky' , by pinning them to the top of your list:

A pinned forum post

And the new 'Permalink' feature makes it easy to share direct links to interesting individual posts:



  • You can specify which files students may, or may not, upload for their peer assessment task and when giving feedback.
  • Students may also delete their submissions.
Specify file types for the workshop.


  • Lesson set up can be simplified by your administrator to only display those settings you frequently use.
Simpler lesson set up.