
2007年11月20日 (火) 22:42時点におけるMitsuhiro Yoshida (トーク | 投稿記録)による版
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作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2007年11月20日 (火) 16:42 (CST)

You can add many kinds of fields to your database. After you have created some fields, you will be able to add information to the database.


At the bottom of the page you'll find a place to upload a csv file, though there are no help documents on what the CSV is supposed to look like. Please test and post your results.

Upload entries.png

Here's a sample of what a very simple file will look like.

Upload csv sample.png

Do not put spaces after your commas or upload will fail!

After upload page import.php comes back blank if it failed. If successful you'll read a message like, "1 entries saved".

There is no easy export of the data in the database... if the database was modded a little bit teachers could use the module to have students write GIFT formatted questions for import.

Testing for successful entry into db.

New in 1.7