E-examination quick guide

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 08:40, 26 May 2020 by Luca Bösch (talk | contribs)


The Quiz is a very powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback. E-assessments can be done by using the quiz module in combination with the Safe Exam Browser. This quick guide gets you started, but if you really want to make the most of everything a Moodle/Safe Exam Browser-E-assessment can do, make sure you study the full Quiz activity as well as the Safe Exam Browser documentation.

Set up the quiz for a summative test

Quiz settings

To assure the safety of your quiz, e.g. that no participant can see its content beforehand, isn't allowed a second attempt once submitted etc. some options are considered to be useful to set up.

Timing | Open the quiz

Timing | Close the quiz

Timing | Time Limit

Timing | When time expires

Grade | Attempts allowed

Question behaviour | How questions behave: Deferred Feedback

Review options

Extra things

(This is probably not needed. But I state those here because I don't believe they should be mentioned in the standard description but deserve explanation nevertheless)

Layout | Navigation method

Appearance | Show blocks during quiz attempts

The Safe Exam Browser section quiz settings

Prepare the participants for an E-assessment

Pre-Test, SEB Installation (BYOD)

Procedure when starting, conducting and submitting the real exam