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in Moodle 4.3!

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siehe Abschnitt in Einsatzszenarien für den Aktivitätsabschluss#Aktivitätsabschlussbericht Informationen über den Aktivitätsabschluss finden Manager/innen und Trainer/innen (und alle Nutzer/innen mit dem Recht die Übersicht zum Kursverlauf anzusehen) über das Zahnrad-Symbol settings.svg rechts oben (oder im Block Einstellungen > Kurs-Administration) > Berichte > Aktivitätsabschluss. Trainer/innen können im Namen von Kursteilnehmer/innen den Aktivitätsabschluss manuell markieren, indem sie im Bericht die Checkbox bei der entsprechenden Person bzw. Aktivität markieren. Voraussetzung ist, dass sie das Recht haben, den Abschlussstatus für Aktivitäten zu überschreiben (das ist standardmäßig für die Rolle Trainer/in der Fall).

Activity completion info can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/progress:view) by clicking the gear icon top right and selecting "More> Reports>Activity completion" (with the Boost theme) or from Administration> Course administration> Reports > Activity completion with non-Boost themes.

Teachers can mark activities complete on behalf of students by clicking into the relevant completion boxes. This requires the capability Override activity completion status which is enabled for editing and non-editing teachers by default. Activities marked complete by the teacher display with a red border in the activity completion report.

Vorlage:New features In Moodle 3.11 onwards, the activity completion report can be filtered by activity type and order in the course.



Automatic versus manual completion
Dashed line box Box with dashed line Activity is completed automatically. For example: a quiz with Completion tracking set to "Show activity as complete when conditions are met".
Solid line box Box with solid line Activity is completed manually by learner. For example: a file with Completion tracking set to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed".
Completion status
Dashed line box Solid line box Empty box Activity not complete.
Dashed line box, blue tick Solid line box, blue tick Blue tick Activity completed and no passing grade applies. For example: passing grade does not apply to this activity type, or passing grade has not been set as part of the activity's completion criteria.
Dashed line box, green tick Green tick Completed, activity has passing grade which was achieved.
Dashed line box, red cross Red cross Activity not completed and completion not possible. For example: all quiz attempts have been used without achieving the passing grade.
Override completion status
Dashed red line box, blue tick Solid red line box, blue tick Solid red line box, empty Box with red line Completion status has been manually set by teacher, manager or site administrator.