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cronを実行するコンピュータは、 '''Moodleが動作しているコンピュータと同じである必要はありません''。For example, if you have a limited web hosting service that does not have a cron service, then you might choose to run cron on another server or on your home computer. All that matters is that the cron.php file is called regularly.
cronを実行するコンピュータは、 '''Moodleが動作しているコンピュータと同じである必要はありません'''。For example, if you have a limited web hosting service that does not have a cron service, then you might choose to run cron on another server or on your home computer. All that matters is that the cron.php file is called regularly.

The load of this script is not very high, so 5 minutes is usually reasonable, but if you're worried about it you can reduce the time period to something like 15 minutes or even 30 minutes. It's best not to make the time period too long, as delaying mail-outs can slow down activity within the course. Remember that mail-outs also wait for the editing time to expire before being queued for sending.
The load of this script is not very high, so 5 minutes is usually reasonable, but if you're worried about it you can reduce the time period to something like 15 minutes or even 30 minutes. It's best not to make the time period too long, as delaying mail-outs can slow down activity within the course. Remember that mail-outs also wait for the editing time to expire before being queued for sending.

2008年7月1日 (火) 21:34時点における版

作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2008年6月27日 (金) 11:16 (CDT)


すべての処理を実行するMoodleの主要なスクリプトは、adminディレクトリに置かれ、cron.phpと呼ばれます。スクリプト自体は自分で実行することができませんので、あなたはスクリプトを定期的に実行する仕組み (例 5分または10分毎) を設定する必要があります。それぞれのモジュールで定義された機能をスクリプトが実行できるよう、Cronは「心臓の鼓動 (hearbeat)」を提供します。この種の定期的なメカニズムは「Cronサービス」として知られています。サービスは、ウェブホストの一部、または異なるサーバまたはコンピュータで実行することができます。



cron.phpスクリプトは、Moodleのモジュールに関する、Moodleデータベース内のmdl_modulesテーブル (デフォルトテーブル接頭辞が mdl_ と仮定して) を調べて、定期的にcron機能が実行されるようにします。そして、それぞれのモジュールディレクトリ内にあるlib.phpファイルから「モジュール名_cron」の関数を探して、実行します。また、mdl_blockテーブルを調べて、cronメソッド (オブジェクト関数) が定期的に実行されるようにします。そして、それぞれのブロックから、そのブロックに関係する新しいオブジェクトのため、cronメソッドを実行します (プログラマーではない人のため、私は詳細説明を省略しています。プログラマーは、自分で admin/cron.phpを読めますから)。これらのファイル (lib.phpファイルおよびブロックのクラスが定義されているファイル) には、クリーンアップ機能、メール機能および定期的に実行する必要な機能を組み込むことができます。例えば、「管理 > コースバックアップ」で指定された時間にコースバックアップを作成するため、cronはシステムにトリガー (きっかけ) を与えます。また、cronはメッセージモジュールまたはフォーラム投稿通知に対してトリガーを与えますが、cronの実行されるたびに、すべての機能がコールされるわけではありません。長期間ログインしていない学生の削除、古いログファイルのコピーの削除等、いくつかの機能は時々実行されるだけです。cron.phpファイルには、cron実行の1/5の割合で、これらのコアタスクをランダムに実行するためのセクションがあります。


cronを実行するコンピュータは、 Moodleが動作しているコンピュータと同じである必要はありません。For example, if you have a limited web hosting service that does not have a cron service, then you might choose to run cron on another server or on your home computer. All that matters is that the cron.php file is called regularly.

The load of this script is not very high, so 5 minutes is usually reasonable, but if you're worried about it you can reduce the time period to something like 15 minutes or even 30 minutes. It's best not to make the time period too long, as delaying mail-outs can slow down activity within the course. Remember that mail-outs also wait for the editing time to expire before being queued for sending.


First, test that the script works by running it directly from your browser: http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php

If cron is called from the command line by any user logged in to your Moodle it will create a temporary admin environment in order to run and then log the user out. You can disable command line running of cron by disabling the appropriate section in the cron.php file.

Now, you need to set up some of way of running the script automatically and regularly.


There are two different ways for setting-up Moodle cron.php on Windows systems:

  • Use the Moodle Cron package. The simplest way is to use this little package MoodleCron-Setup.exe, which makes this whole thing very easy by installing a small Windows service. Run it and forget about it! :-)
  • Use a Scheduled Task. If you prefer to use the built-in Windows Scheduler or are having trouble with moodle-cron-for-windows package, you can use wget for windows or php from the command line and setup a scheduled task. Just follow these steps:
    • Choose either the php.exe/php-win.exe (command line binary) or wget
The php.exe or php-win.exe binary (for PHP version 5 or later) is installed in your php folder (e.g. c:\php) will give you better performance when running the cron script.
If you want to use wget, download a compiled version of wget for windows from the native GNU Win32 ports (http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/), from Heiko Herold's wget for windows page (http://xoomer.virgilio.it/hherold/) or Bart Puype's wget for windows page (http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/). If you use Heiko Herold's package, copy all of the .DLL files to your C:\Windows\system32 directory. Copy the wget.exe file to c:\windows (this makes sure wget is always in the search path).
  • Setup a Scheduled Task.
- Go to Start >> Control Panel >> Scheduled Tasks >> Add Scheduled Task.
- Click "Next" to start the wizard:
- Click in the "Browse..." button and browse to c:\php\php.exe or c:\windows\wget.exe and click "Open"
- Type "Moodle Cron" as the name of the task and select "Daily" as the schedule. Click "Next".
- Select "12:00 AM" as the start time, perform the task "Every Day" and choose today's date as the starting date. Click "Next".
- Enter the username and password of the user the task will run under (it doesn't have to be a priviledged account at all). Make sure you type the password correctly. Click "Next".
- Mark the checkbox titled "Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish" and click "Finish".
- In the new dialog box, type the following in the "Run:" text box:
c:\windows\wget.exe -q -O NUL http://my.moodle.site/moodle/admin/cron.php
c:\php\php-win.exe -f c:\moodle\admin\cron.php
Replace "c:\moodle" with the path to your moodle directory or "my.moode.site" with the name of your site.

- Click on the "Schedule" tab and there in the "Advanced..." button.
- Mark the "Repeat task" checkbox and set "Every:" to 5 minutes, and set "Until:" to "Duration" and type "23" hours and "59" minutes.
- Click "OK" and you are done.
  • Test your scheduled task. You can test that your scheduled task can run successfully by clicking it with the right button and chosing "Run". If everything is correctly setup, you will briefly see a DOS command window while wget/php executes and fetches the cron page and then it disappears. If you refresh the scheduled tasks folder, you will see the Last Run Time column (in detailed folder view) reflects the current time, and that the Last Result column displays "0x0" (everything went OK). If either of these is different, then you should recheck your setup.
  • Logging cron output. You may want to log the output of the cron script as it executes, in case you see the job is producing errors, backups are not being completed or users are experiencing delays in receiving forum emails. To do this, adjust the command so that it uses the php.exe and stores the output in a file called (for example c:\moodle\admin\cron.log). Here is an example of the php.exe command:
c:\php\php.exe -f c:\moodle\admin\cron.php > c:\moodle\admin\cron.log


Your web-based control panel may have a web page that allows you to set up a cron service process.


If you are using CPanel, login then look for "Advanced" category towards the bottom of the page. Click on Cron Jobs -> Advanced (Unix style). Enter the following for the cron to run every 30 minutes.

Email address for output: emailaddress@mydomain.con
Command: wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.mydomain.com/moodle/admin/cron.php

Click Commit Changes. Check your email for the output.



For other systems, look for a button called "Cron jobs". In there you can put the same sort of Unix commands as listed below.

If you don't have permissions to run the 'wget' command on the server, you can use this php command:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /real/path/to/script/admin/cron.php

For example:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/username/public_html/moodle/admin/cron.php

If you don't know what is the real path of your Moodle folder you can use the PHP command realpath.

Another alternative, if you do not have permission to run the 'wget' command, may be to use a curl command.

For example:

curl --silent --compressed http://mydomain.com/moodle/admin/cron.php


There are different command line programs you can use to call the page from the command line. Not all of them may be available on a given server.

For example, you can use a Unix utility like 'wget':

wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php

Note in this example that the output is thrown away (to /dev/null).

A number of users of Moodle have found that 'wget' sometimes fails. Especially if you have trouble with email digests not being sent on a daily basis to all users, an alternative command that solves the problem is:

php http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php

The same thing using lynx:

lynx -dump http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php > /dev/null

Note in this example that the output is thrown away (to /dev/null).

Alternatively you could use a standalone version of PHP, compiled to be run on the command line. The advantage with doing this is that your web server logs aren't filled with constant requests to cron.php. The disadvantage is that you need to have access to a command-line version of php.

/opt/bin/php /web/moodle/admin/cron.php


All that Cpanel does is provide a web interface to a Unix utility known as crontab. If you have a command line, you can set up crontab yourself using the command:

crontab -e

and then adding one of the above commands like:

*/30 * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php

The first five entries are the times to run values, followed by the command to run. The asterisk is a wildcard, indicating any time. The above example means run the command wget -q -O /dev/null... every 30 minutes (*/30), every hour (*), every day of the month (*), every month (*), every day of the week (*).

The "O" of "-O" is the capital letter not zero, and refers the output file destination, in this case "/dev/null" which is a black hole and discards the output. If you want to see the output of your cron.php then enter its url in your browser.

For beginners, "EDITOR=nano crontab -e" will allow you to edit the crontab using the nano editor. Ubuntu defaults to using the nano editor.

Usually, the "crontab -e" command will put you into the 'vi' editor. You enter "insert mode" by pressing "i", then type in the line as above, then exit insert mode by pressing ESC. You save and exit by typing ":wq", or quit without saving using ":q!" (without the quotes). Here is an intro to the 'vi' editor.


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