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Import course data

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 12:04, 5 ago 2011 per chris collman (discussió | contribucions) (remove tag)
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Plantilla:Re-using courses and activities

Course activities and resources may be imported from any other course that the teacher has editing permissions. This will allow teachers to re-use instead of re-creating one or more activities and resources(contexts).

Import course data is similar to a backup and restore process, except the two step process is combined into one step and no user data is included. This feature will not import student or teacher data, such as quizzes, forum posts and discussions. It will only import the structure of such activities.

How to use import

Import is a 6 step process.

  1. Select the Import link from the Course administration menu.
  2. Next, select the course you wish to import from and click Continue.
  3. You will be presented with the "backup settings" page. Check box if you want to import activities, blocks and or filters as an initial setting.
  4. Select the elements you want to include in the import in the Schema settings step.
  5. Review and click Preform import or click the cancel or previous buttons. The confirmation page will place green check marks and red marks next to the backup settings and include item list for you to review.
  6. You should see the "Import complete. Click continue to return to the course." message, or an error message indicating that the import process did not take place.
Course administration menu expanded

Examples and tips

You can select only those things you want from another course.

Importing a quiz from course A to course B, will bring in the questions.

Tip: Groups can also be imported as a batch from a file.

See also

Course backup & Course restore - for a similar process