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Question behaviours

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Moodle 2.4

Quan creeu un qüestionari tindreu disponibles els següents comportaments de les preguntes (també quan feu la previsualització de les preguntes):

Retroacció diferida
L'estudiant ha d'introduir la resposta de cada pregunta i trametre el qüestionari sencer, i desprès podrà rebre la puntuació o qualsevol retroacció.
Mode adaptatiu i Mode adaptatiu (sense penalitzacions)
Permet que l'estudiant faça diversos intents en una pregunta abans de passar a la següent.
Qualificació manual
S'utilitzava en les preguntes de resposta oberta (independentment del comportament definit). Però ara podeu qualificar cada pregunta del qüestionari manualment, si voleu.
Mode interactiu (= Mode interactiu amb múltiples intents)
After submitting one answer, and reading the feedback, the student has to click a 'Try again' button before they can try a new response. Once the student has got the question right, they can no longer change their response. Once the student has got the question wrong too many times, they are just graded wrong (or partially correct) and get shown the feedback and can no longer change their answer. There can be different feedback after each try the student makes. The number of tries the student gets is the number of hints in the question definition plus one.
Retroacció immediata
Similar to interactive mode in that the student can submit their response immediately during the quiz attempt, and get it graded. However, they can only submit one response, they cannot change it later.
Retroacció diferida amb Puntuació Basada en la Certesa PBC (CBM) o retroacció immediata amb PBC (CBM)
With CBM, the student does not only answer the question, but they also indicate how sure they are they got the question right. The grading is adjusted by the choice of certainty, so that students have to reflect honestly on their own level of knowledge in order to get the best mark.

Managing question behaviours

An administrator can manage question behaviours available across the site in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Question behaviours > Manage question behaviours.

See also