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Gradebook help files: Difference between revisions

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An index of help files for the Moodle 1.9 gradebook.
==Aggregate only non-empty grades==
==Aggregate only non-empty grades==

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   <nowiki>* =average([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]])
   <nowiki>* =average([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]])
   * =average(max([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]), min([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]))</nowiki>
   * =average(max([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]), min([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]))</nowiki>
This is where graded items can be placed into categories, curved and set as extra credit items. New categories can also be added and existing ones deleted.
* Category: Adjusts which category a graded item belongs to. Just select the appropriate category from the drop down list. Items that have not been assigned a category or were in a category that was deleted will be automatically placed in "Uncategorised"
* Curve To: Allows you to curve grades. Set this item to what you would like the particular graded item graded out of. So if the max grade was 30 and curve to was set at 28 students grades and percents would be calculated against a possible 28 points rather than 30.
* Extra Credit: Check this box if you would like a particular category to be calculated as extra credit. Please note that setting all items to extra credit for a particular category will have unexpected results, and will most likely not count the category or extra credit at all.

==Overall decimal points==
==Overall decimal points==
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If set, this option will drop the X lowest grades, X being the selected value for this option.
If set, this option will drop the X lowest grades, X being the selected value for this option.
This can be used to exclude students from individual assignments. This is useful if two class sections merge or a student transfers from a different section several weeks into a semester. It is also useful for extenuating circumstances: sickness, injury, etc.
There are three columns:
* Left: Is students for the course that are "Included in Grading" for an particular graded item.
* Middle: A listing of all graded items followed by a total number of students excluded from grading in parenthesis.
* Right: A list of students that are excluded from a particular assignment
To exclude students click the assignment in the middle and then click the students name in the left column (holding down CTRL or APPLE will allow selection of multiple items). Then click "Exclude from Grading" at the bottom. The student(s) should be moved from the left column to the right, and they will now be excluded from grade calculations for that assignment.
To include students that have been excluded; Choose the appropriate assignment, click the student in the right column and finally "Include in Grading" at the bottom. The student should be moved from the right column to the left column.

==Excluded grades==
==Excluded grades==
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Number that will be added to every grade for this grade item, after the Multiplicator is applied.
Number that will be added to every grade for this grade item, after the Multiplicator is applied.
==Set Preferences==
The following gradebook settings are available from the "Set Preferences" page.
* Use Advanced Features: This turns on/off the advanced features of the gradebook. The normal mode will only display points and totals with no categories or special grade calculations.
* Display Weighted Grade: Determines whether or not the weighted percent will be displayed. You can also choose whether or not students see this.
* Display Points: Determines whether or not the points are displayed. Student settings can be adjusted seperately from the instructor view.
* Display Percent: Determines whether or not a percent is displayed. Student settings can be adjusted seperate from instructor view.
* Display Letter Grade: Determines whether or not a letter grade is displayed for the course total.
* Letter Grade: Determines how the letter grade is calculated either using raw percent or weighted percent.
* Reprint headers: Determines how often the column headings are reprinted. This can help to keep track of a large class of students.
* Show Hidden Items: Will show or hide grade items that are hidden. This applies to the instructor view only. Students will not see gradebook entries for items that are not visible to them. Student totals will include hidden items if this is set to "Yes"

==Quick grading==
==Quick grading==
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Specifies the number of decimal points to display for each range. This setting may be overridden per grading item.
Specifies the number of decimal points to display for each range. This setting may be overridden per grading item.

==Range display type==
Specifies how to display ranges. If Inherit is selected, the display type for each column is used.
When using the scale grade type, a scale can be selected. The scale for an activity-based grade item is selected on the update activity page.
==Standard scales==
A standard scale is one that is available site-wide, for all courses.
==Show activity icons==
Whether to show activity icons next to activity names.
==Show averages==
Whether to show the mean for each column.
==Show calculations==
Whether to show calculator icons near each grade item and category, tooltips over calculated items and a visual indicator that a column is calculated.
==Show show/hide icons==
Whether to show a show/hide icon near each grade (controlling its visibility to the user).
==Show feedback==
Whether to show a feedback icon (for adding/editing) near each grade.
==Show groups==
Whether to show the mean for each group.
==Show hidden items==
Specifies how hidden grade items are shown. If Hide is selected, they are hidden completely. If Show is selected, the hidden grade item row is shown in grey with the grade hidden completely. If "Only hidden until" is selected, grade items with a "hide until" date set are shown in grey with the grades hidden completely until the set date, after which the whole item is shown.
==Show locks==
Whether to show a lock/unlock icon near each grade.
==Show number of grades==
Whether to show the number of grades used when calculating the mean in brackets after each average, for example 45 (34).
==Show percentage==
Whether to show the percentage value of each grade item.
==Show quick feedback==
Quick feedback adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit the feedback for many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time.
==Show ranges==
Whether to show the range of grades for each column in an additional row.
==Show rank==
Whether to show the position of the user in relation to the rest of the class, for each grade item.
==Show user id numbers==
Whether to show user id numbers in an additional column.
==Students per page==
The number of students to display per page in the grader report.
==Synchronise legacy grades==
The term 'legacy grades' refers to grades from versions of Moodle prior to 1.9. When upgrading, all legacy grades should be included in the Moodle 1.9 gradebook. The 'Synchronise legacy grades' button checks whether this is the case, and if necessary adds any missing legacy grades to the Moodle 1.9 gradebook.
==User key==
Grade publishing is a way of exporting grades via a URL without being logged in to Moodle. A user key is a randomly generated series of characters which is appended to the URL for security purposes.
To publish grades, select "Create a new user key". When the form is submitted, a new user key is created. Alternatively, a key which was created previously may be selected.


Revision as of 13:31, 12 March 2009

An index of help files for the Moodle 1.9 gradebook.

Aggregate only non-empty grades

Nonexistent grades are either treated as minimal grades or not included in aggregation.

Include outcomes in aggregation

Including outcomes in aggregation may not lead to the desired overall grade, so you have the option to include or leave them out.

Aggregate including subcategories

The aggregation is usually done only with immediate children, it is also possible to aggregate grades in all subcategories excluding other aggregated grades.

Category aggregation

This menu lets you choose the aggregation strategy that will be used to calculate each participant's overall grade for this category. The different options are explained below.

The grades are first converted to percentage values (interval from 0 to 1, this is called normalisation), then aggregated using one of the functions below and finally converted to the associated category item's range (between Minimum grade and Maximum grade).

Important: An empty grade is simply a missing gradebook entry, and could mean different things. For example, it could be a participant who hasn't yet submitted an assignment, an assignment submission not yet graded by the teacher, or a grade that has been manually deleted by the gradebook administrator. Caution in interpreting these "empty grades" is thus advised.

Mean of grades

The sum of all grades divided by the total number of grades.
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10, category max 100:
(0.7 + 0.25 + 1.0)/3 = 0.65 --> 65/100

Weighted mean

Each grade item can be given a weight, which is then used in the arithmetic mean aggregation to influence the importance of each item in the overall mean.
A1 70/100 weight 10, A2 20/80 weight 5, A3 10/10 weight 3, category max 100:
(0.7*10 + 0.25*5 + 1.0*3)/18 = 0.625 --> 62.5/100

Simple weighted mean

The difference from Weighted mean is that weight is calculated as Maximum grade - Minimum grade for each item. 100 point assignment has weight 100, 10 point assignment has weight 10.
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10, category max 100:
(0.7*100 + 0.25*80 + 1.0*10)/190 = 0.526 --> 52.6/100

Mean of grades (with extra credits)

Arithmetic mean with a twist. An old, now unsupported aggregation strategy provided here only for backward compatibility with old activities.

Median of grades

The middle grade (or the mean of the two middle grades) when grades are arranged in order of size. The advantage over the mean is that it is not affected by outliers (grades which are uncommonly far from the mean).
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10, category max 100:
median(0.7 ; 0.25 ; 1.0) = 0.7 --> 70/100

Smallest grade

The result is the smallest grade after normalisation. It is usually used in combination with Aggregate only non-empty grades.
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10, category max 100:
min(0.7 ; 0.25 ; 1.0) = 0.25 --> 25/100

Highest grade

The result is the highest grade after normalisation.
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10, category max 100:
max(0.7 ; 0.25 ; 1.0) = 1.0 --> 100/100

Mode of grades

The mode is the grade that occurs the most frequently. It is more often used for non-numerical grades. The advantage over the mean is that it is not affected by outliers (grades which are uncommonly far from the mean). However it loses its meaning once there is more than one most frequently occurring grade (only one is kept), or when all the grades are different from each other.
A1 70/100, A2 35/50, A3 20/80, A4 10/10, A5 7/10 category max 100:
mode(0.7 ; 0.7 ; 0.25 ; 1.0 ; 0.7) = 0.7 --> 70/100

Sum of grades

The sum of all grade values. Scale grades are ignored. This is the only type that does not convert the grades to percentages internally (normalisation). The Maximum grade of associated category item is calculated automatically as a sum of maximums from all aggregated items.
A1 70/100, A2 20/80, A3 10/10:
70 + 20 + 10 = 100/190 

Extra credit coefficient

A value greater than 0 treats this grade item's grades as Extra credit during aggregation. The number is a factor by which the grade value will be multiplied before it is added to the sum of all grades, but the item itself will not be counted in the division. For example:

  • Item 1 is graded 0-100 and its "Extra credit" value is set to 2
  • Item 2 is graded 0-100 and its "Extra credit" value is left at 0.0000
  • Item 3 is graded 0-100 and its "Extra credit" value is left at 0.0000
  • All 3 items belong to Category 1, which has "Mean of grades (with extra credits)" as its aggregation strategy
  • A student gets graded 20 on Item 1, 40 on Item 2 and 70 on Item 3
  • The student's total for Category 1 will be 95/100 since 20*2 + (40 + 70)/2 = 95

Act as extra credit

When the "Sum of grades" aggregation strategy is used, a grade item can act as Extra credit for the category. This means that the grade item's maximum grade will not be added to the category total's maximum grade, but the item's grade will. Following is an example:

  • Item 1 is graded 0-100
  • Item 2 is graded 0-75
  • Item 1 has the "Act as extra credit" checkbox ticked, Item 2 doesn't.
  • Both items belong to Category 1, which has "Sum of grades" as its aggregation strategy
  • Category 1's total will be graded 0-75
  • A student gets graded 20 on Item 1 and 70 on Item 2
  • The student's total for Category 1 will be 75/75 (20+70 = 90 but Item 1 only acts as extra credit, so it brings the total to its maximum)

Item weight

Weight applied to all grades in this grade item during aggregation with other grade items.

Aggregation position

Defines the position of the aggregation total column in the report related to the grades being aggregated.

Aggregation view

Each category can be displayed in three ways: Full mode (aggregated column and grade item columns), the aggregated column only, or the grade items alone.

Decimals in column averages

Specifies the number of decimal points to display for each column mean. If Inherit is selected, the display type for each column is used.

Column averages display type

Specifies how to display the mean for each column. If Inherit is selected, the display type for each column is used.


Calculations for the gradebook follow the pattern of formulas/functions in popular spreadsheet programs. They start with an equal (=) sign, and use common mathematical operators and functions to produce a single numerical output. This output is then used as the computed value for the grade item you are editing.

Following is a list of the functions supported by the calculation. The comma (,) character is used to separate arguments within function brackets.

   * average([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the average of a sample
   * max([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments
   * min([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments
   * mod(dividend, divisor): Calculates the remainder of a division
   * pi(): Returns the value of the number Pi
   * power(base, power): Raises a number to the power of another
   * round(number, count): Rounds a number to a predefined accuracy
   * sum([[item1]], [[item2]]...): Returns the sum of all arguments

A number of mathematical functions is also supported:

   * sin
   * sinh
   * arcsin
   * asin
   * arcsinh
   * asinh
   * cos
   * cosh
   * arccos
   * acos
   * arccosh
   * acosh
   * tan
   * tanh
   * arctan
   * atan
   * arctanh
   * atanh
   * sqrt
   * abs
   * ln
   * log
   * exp

You can include the values of other grade items by using their idnumber as references in your formulas. The idnumber is surrounded by two matching pairs of angle brackets, to avoid confusing the calculation parser when the idnumber contains uncommon characters. For example, if you have a grade item with Quiz.3 as idnumber, you will refer to this item as Quiz.3 in your calculation.

Below the calculation field is an arborescence of your course with its grade categories and grade items. Next to each item or category's total is displayed the idnumber you can use in your calculation (already surrounded with angle brackets). However, since the idnumber is optional, some items may not yet have one. These items without an idnumber have instead a form field which lets you enter the idnumber directly, so that you can use it in your calculation without having to leave the page. This form doesn't let you edit existing idnumbers though, you will have to go and edit the grade item directly if you want to do that.

As soon as you have assigned the idnumbers you need, you can press "add idnumbers", and the page will reload and show you the same arborescence with the idnumbers you have just assigned. You are then free to use these references in your calculation.

Here is a list of practical examples of calculations you may use in your gradebook:

  * =average([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]])
  * =average(max([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]), min([[Quiz.1]], [[Quiz.4]], [[Assignment.1]]))

Overall decimal points

Specifies the number of decimal points to display for each grade. This setting has no effect on grade calculations, which are made with an accuracy of 5 decimal places.

Drop the lowest

If set, this option will drop the X lowest grades, X being the selected value for this option.

Excluded grades

If -excluded- is switched on, this grade will be excluded from any aggregation performed by any parent grade item or category.

Export decimal points

The number of decimal points to display for export. This can be overridden during export.


Notes added to the grade by the teacher. They can be extensive, personalised feedback or a simple code that refers to an internal system of feedback.

Final grade

The final grade (cached) after all calculations are performed.

Grade boundary

A percentage boundary over which grades will be assigned a grade letter (if the Letter grade display type is used).

Grade display type

Specifies how to display grades in the grader and user reports. Grades may be shown as actual grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters.

Grade export display type

Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..) during export. This can be overridden during export.

Grade letters

A letter or other symbol used to represent a range of grades.

Maximum Grade

When using the value grade type, a maximum grade can be set. The maximum grade for an activity-based grade item is set on the update activity page.

Minimum Grade

When using the value grade type, a minimum grade can be set.

Grade to pass

If an item has a grade that users must equal or exceed to pass that item, you can set that here.

Grade type

Specifies the type of grade used: none (no grading possible), value (enables the maximum and minimum grade settings), scale (enables the scale setting) or text (feedback only). Only value and scale grade types may be aggregated. The grade type for an activity-based grade item is set on the update activity page.


Whether or not the grades are hidden to participants. Usually after the end of the activity and of the grading process.. A typical sequence of events would be:

Event Locked Hidden
Start of activity and participant submissions No Yes
End of activity and beginning of grading/feedback Yes Yes
End of grading/feedback, and release of grades Yes No

Hidden until

Date until which the grades will be hidden to participants. Usually after the end of the activity and of the grading process.. A typical sequence of events would be:

Event Locked Hidden
Start of activity and participant submissions No Yes
End of activity and beginning of grading/feedback Yes Yes
End of grading/feedback, and release of grades Yes No

Id numbers

Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field can be left blank. The ID number for an activity-based grade item may be set on the update activity page.

Import outcomes

You can import outcomes in the form of .csv files. The format must be as follows:

Field name Description Required Format
outcome_name The full name of the outcome Yes String
outcome_shortname The short name of the outcome Yes String
outcome_description The description of the outcome No String
scale_name The name of the scale used String
scale_items A comma-separated list of scale items String
scale_description The description of the scale String

Here is an example:

Participation;participation;;Participation scale;"Little or no participation, Satisfactory participation, Full participation";

Item info

A space for entering information about the item. Text entered does not appear anywhere else.

Keep the highest

If set, this option will only keep the X highest grades, X being the selected value for this option.

Letter scale

You can set your grade letter scale here. Initially a "suggested" scale is presented and all that needs to be done to use this scale is to click "Save Changes". If however you do not like this scale, just change any entries you want and then click "Save Changes". After this initial setting you will see your current selected scale. Leave an entry blank to not include it or delete it from the grade scale. Errors you may see in the gradebook:

  • No Grades Set: This means that the initial grade scale has not been set. All you need to do (if you like the suggested scale) is to click "save changes"
  • No Grade Letter For X: Indicates that there is no appropriate grade letter for X.

Linked activity

Specifies an optional activity to which this outcome item is linked. This is used to measure student performance on criteria not assessed by the activity grade.


Whether or not the grades accept automatic updates from the activity they are linked to. Usually this is switched on (locked) as soon as the activity is finished and submissions are no longer accepted. A typical sequence of events would be:

Event Locked Hidden
Start of activity and participant submissions No Yes
End of activity and beginning of grading/feedback Yes Yes
End of grading/feedback, and release of grades Yes No

Locked after

Date after which the grades will be locked. Usually this date is set to the end of the activity, and the beginning of the grading process.. A typical sequence of events would be:

Event Locked Hidden
Start of activity and participant submissions No Yes
End of activity and beginning of grading/feedback Yes Yes
End of grading/feedback, and release of grades Yes No

Grades selected for column averages

Whether cells with no grade should be included when calculating the mean for each column.


Factor by which all grades for this grade item will be multiplied, with a maximum value of the maximum grade.


Specifies the Outcome which this grade item will represent in the gradebook. Only outcomes associated with this course and site-wide outcomes are available.

Standard outcomes

A Standard outcome is available site-wide, for all courses.


When on, the overridden flag prevents any future attempts to automatically adjust the value of the grade. This flag is often set internally by the gradebook, but can be switched on and off manually using this form element.

Override site defaults

Tick this checkbox to enable the overriding of the site defaults for the display of grades in the gradebook. This activates form elements allowing you to define the grade letters and boundaries of your choice.


Number that will be added to every grade for this grade item, after the Multiplicator is applied.

Quick grading

Quick Grading adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time.

Decimals shown in ranges

Specifies the number of decimal points to display for each range. This setting may be overridden per grading item.

Range display type

Specifies how to display ranges. If Inherit is selected, the display type for each column is used.


When using the scale grade type, a scale can be selected. The scale for an activity-based grade item is selected on the update activity page.

Standard scales

A standard scale is one that is available site-wide, for all courses.

Show activity icons

Whether to show activity icons next to activity names.

Show averages

Whether to show the mean for each column.

Show calculations

Whether to show calculator icons near each grade item and category, tooltips over calculated items and a visual indicator that a column is calculated.

Show show/hide icons

Whether to show a show/hide icon near each grade (controlling its visibility to the user).

Show feedback

Whether to show a feedback icon (for adding/editing) near each grade.

Show groups

Whether to show the mean for each group.

Show hidden items

Specifies how hidden grade items are shown. If Hide is selected, they are hidden completely. If Show is selected, the hidden grade item row is shown in grey with the grade hidden completely. If "Only hidden until" is selected, grade items with a "hide until" date set are shown in grey with the grades hidden completely until the set date, after which the whole item is shown.

Show locks

Whether to show a lock/unlock icon near each grade.

Show number of grades

Whether to show the number of grades used when calculating the mean in brackets after each average, for example 45 (34).

Show percentage

Whether to show the percentage value of each grade item.

Show quick feedback

Quick feedback adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit the feedback for many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time.

Show ranges

Whether to show the range of grades for each column in an additional row.

Show rank

Whether to show the position of the user in relation to the rest of the class, for each grade item.

Show user id numbers

Whether to show user id numbers in an additional column.

Students per page

The number of students to display per page in the grader report.

Synchronise legacy grades

The term 'legacy grades' refers to grades from versions of Moodle prior to 1.9. When upgrading, all legacy grades should be included in the Moodle 1.9 gradebook. The 'Synchronise legacy grades' button checks whether this is the case, and if necessary adds any missing legacy grades to the Moodle 1.9 gradebook.

User key

Grade publishing is a way of exporting grades via a URL without being logged in to Moodle. A user key is a randomly generated series of characters which is appended to the URL for security purposes.

To publish grades, select "Create a new user key". When the form is submitted, a new user key is created. Alternatively, a key which was created previously may be selected.